YIKES: Tim Walz Trying to Load His Gun at Pheasant Hunt Is Something to See

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

I think Kamala Harris would be a horrible person to put in office. I don't even think she should be occupying the office she's in now. 

I think Tim Walz is a liar and a knucklehead who also shouldn't be near any position of power. 


I think they're both leftists who would immeasurably damage this country and take us down a road to the left from which we might not be able to recover. They've both shown how bad they are, if we didn't already know it, with their recent spate of interviews/town halls, which have all largely been train wrecks. 

READ MORE: Walz Crashes and Burns During Strahan Interview in Epically Bad Fashion

Kamala's Univision Town Hall Was a Complete Disaster

I don't have a lot of sympathy for either of them. 

But I have to admit, when I saw Tim Walz trying to load his gun during his pheasant hunt in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, on Saturday, I did have an "OMG" moment. I was concerned for his safety and the safety of the people around him because of the trouble he was having just to try to load it. Has he ever used this gun before? Shades of Elmer Fudd. 

Yikes, that was painful to watch. 

He said it was a Beretta A400. He claimed he bought it "when he was shooting a lot of trap" because it "doesn't hurt your shoulder as much."


But he didn't manage to shoot any pheasant. As far as we know, fortunately he didn't do a "Dick Cheney" and hit anyone else.

People couldn't believe how bad it looked. The photo op completely failed and it caused many to wonder if his story about being a hunter wasn't true either. Wasn't he also in the National Guard, yet he handles a gun like this? And I'm not sure I even want to talk about the chaps he's wearing. 

Old Row Outdoors, a hunting and fishing X account, just laughed their heads off at him, saying he "doesn't even know how to load his own gun properly. What a disaster of a photo op." 

If they thought they were going to get the hunter vote, it sounds like they just lost that. 

If this was about trying to shore up that male vote, this wasn't it. 


We reported on the MSNBC video earlier at the pheasant hunt where he wasn't carrying a gun, and people wondered how he was going to shoot anything if he didn't have a firearm. 

Even MSNBC nailed him for this being all about an effort to appeal to men for their votes, acknowledging that they had a problem. Barack Obama acknowledged this too, as he was blaming black men for not coming out for her enough.

READ MORE: Tim Walz Kicks Off His Manly Man Tour at Football Game and Pheasant Hunt—but It Doesn't Go Well

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It might have been better if he hadn't pulled out the gun because when you do silly photo ops like this, they don't go very well. I think this might have just put paid to the campaign to get the male vote.


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