At what point does the media get honest about what’s going on with Joe Biden?
Biden took questions during an AFL-CIO virtual event. Rebecca Vedrine asked what a Biden administration would do to help “give them that chance.” It’s not clear exactly what she was talking about from the video.
Joe Biden orders his staff to move up his teleprompter and lets out a very labored sigh while waiting for the prompter to scroll.
Is he ok? Why can’t he answer a question without a teleprompter?
— Abigail Marone (@abigailmarone) September 7, 2020
The shot then flips to Biden, who just looked horrible and confused. “Move it up here,” he says, sighing deeply, telling them to move the teleprompter so he’ll be able to answer the question. It then must have moved, because he then responds, clearly reading the answer off the teleprompter. “There used to be a basic bargain in this country,” he read. “Workers shared in the wealth their work helped create.”
The media should be asking if he’s getting the questions in advance and why he’s getting help to answer the questions. That means his handlers don’t even think he’s able to answer such simple questions as being posed here in this event. If it were Trump, the media would be all over this. But because it’s Biden, they are skipping right over and pretending like it’s not happening.
What may be happening here (and on other virtual sessions)– he needs the teleprompter *because an aide is typing in what the response should be.* The virtual equivalent of using an IFB, but being *told* what to say wouldn't really work, so why not read the answer in real time? https://t.co/i8hKPhp005
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) September 7, 2020
He also looks completely worn out and barely able to function. He sounds breathless just like when he was in Kenosha and seemed to be breathing heavily.
These remarks follow appearances in Pittsburgh last week where he spoke to no audience and again had trouble reading his teleprompter. At least that was supposed to be a speech and not interview questions.
Even while using a teleprompter, Joe Biden can’t keep his thoughts straighthttps://t.co/bzJxG0hmWg pic.twitter.com/npD0QGPWQJ
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 31, 2020
There was also his second “Ron Burgundy” moment where he read the instructions on the teleprompter, saying “end of quote.”
Joe Biden reads "end of quote" after making debunked claim about Social Security.
Biden defeated again by the teleprompter. pic.twitter.com/zztZ9fcemS
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 4, 2020
He’s going to have real trouble in the debates if he doesn’t have the questions and the answers ahead of time. He looks like he’s getting worse every day and seems worse even than just lat week, especially with the heavy breathing.
"Move it up here"
I think Joe is having a little trouble reading the teleprompter pic.twitter.com/Tk8f8CFqSX
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) September 7, 2020
What is going on? https://t.co/s3c1ORNIW1
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 7, 2020
The Biden “campaign” is a farce. If there was one decent journalist left they would be calling this nonsense out daily but unfortunately there aren’t. https://t.co/v27PkkzwGD
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 7, 2020
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