For two nights now, the Portland federal courthouse has been under attack by radical leftists and there’s been virtually no national coverage of it.
Andy Ngo who covers Antifa and the local media have covered it, but you would think that attacks on a federal courthouse would qualify as “national news.” Unless you’re trying to downplay the violent attacks on police officers and the law.
About two hundred radicals were involved with the first wave of the attack on Thursday night.
According to the police they broke in the north side doors of the Justice Center, then they broke glass doors on the Federal Courthouse.
When the police and federal officers came out to protect the building, Antifa began “launching projectiles at the officers with sling shots. These projectiles included large rocks, full cans, and bottles. Demonstrators also threw lit commercial grade fireworks, which landed inside the broken glass doors of the federal courthouse.”
They also continued to set fires in the street.
Officers began dispersing the crowd in an effort to move them from the immediate area. During this lawful action, the demonstrators were very hostile and violent towards officers. An open pocket knife was thrown at an officer, coming within inches from striking them. Demonstrators continued to throw large rocks and full cans, as well as shot off commercial grade fireworks towards officers. During this time, several arrests were made. Once demonstrators were at Southwest 6th Avenue and Southwest Main Street, officers disengaged the crowd.
They also pushed dumpsters on fire toward the building.
Then the radicals launched mortars into the Federal Courthouse through the broken glass doors and set the building on fire.
This is a war:
On night of 2–3 July in downtown Portland, hundreds of antifa attacked the federal courthouse. They attacked responding police w/bottles, rocks, a knife & more. After breaking the building's glass doors, they launched mortars inside, starting a fire. https://t.co/MS27EIDeut pic.twitter.com/3zA68VHU9z
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2020
Law enforcement in downtown Portland have been under attack for hours at the federal courthouse by antifa extremists. They hurl projectile weapons at police & when officers respond, go on social media tagging politicians & lawyers claiming police brutality pic.twitter.com/K6I3sxw7jS
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2020
The US military is protecting the Portland federal courthouse under attack tonight by antifa black bloc militants. They rushed out and made an arrest here. Antifa have been trying to set the building on fire for hours. pic.twitter.com/p0GiQj5tCZ
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2020
Just note, not military but federal marshals.
This is the aftermath of more than 30 days of antifa rioting in Portland. There are no signs it is slowing. Last night they targeted the federal courthouse, smashing windows & setting fire. The area is trashed w/debris from glass bottles & fireworks used as weapons against police pic.twitter.com/UYGe3DgbVd
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2020
Look at what they did to the building in addition to this is just out and out attacking the police and trying to hurt/kill them. This isn’t protest. Several officers were reportedly injured in the attack.
These are the fireworks antifa are using to attack police & the public in Portland. Last night one of their own comrades was injured by their explosive outside the federal courthouse. They rioted for hours and started a fire inside the courthouse. pic.twitter.com/TO1TAoRPsN
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2020
This four-step plan for overthrowing the U.S. government was posted outside the federal courthouse that was attacked by antifa last night in Portland. Step two says US economy should be kept in tatters. I wonder if @GreenPartyUS supports this plan? pic.twitter.com/YDBiynzypT
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2020
Something tells me those “steps” are not going to work.
Police were able to disperse them over several hours but they came back on Friday night.
Militant antifa have again gathered outside the Justice Center in downtown after attacking a courthouse yesterday. They’re moving barricades into the street & are burning US flags in the fountain that used to house the elk statue before it was torched. pic.twitter.com/BUe2slkZfX
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 4, 2020
Antifa in Portland are stealing fencing material and other public property to build a wall around their street occupation. pic.twitter.com/UFEmfJkW9c
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 4, 2020
Antifa in downtown Portland are making their wall taller. pic.twitter.com/C8BCaO2LnV
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 4, 2020
Federal police mobilize to protect the Portland federal courthouse after antifa attacked it again tonight. Downtown is a war zone at night. Belligerents from antifa and BLM carry out arson attacks and more against law enforcement. pic.twitter.com/R49M3NW8jK
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 4, 2020
Several people were arrested by police.
The purpose behind this is not just to create chaos and promote revolution, it’s also to try to bankrupt the city which would force them to cut back on police. ‘Long march through the institutions’ to destroy everything we are.
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