Who can forget this iconic scene?
But looks like that’s it for Elmer Fudd hunting Bugs Bunny with a gun. Because in the new Looney Tunes reboot that’s coming out they intend to excise that evil gun from the hands of characters who have carried them in the past including Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam.
From Daily Wire:
“Warner Bros is stripping Elmer Fudd of his rifle in a new Looney Tunes cartoon series on HBO Max, handicapping the grumpy hunter as he continues his decades-long pursuit of the wise-cracking Bugs Bunny,” reports New York Post. “The change in the latest incarnation of the iconic animated series is a response to the gun violence in the US.”
So exactly how will he be hunting Bugs? This isn’t a “reboot,” this is a transformation of the character. This will not stop one incident of violence in which a person employs a gun. So what’s the point besides simply demonizing the gun?
Meanwhile, they’re not doing away with the violence in the cartoon. Just not doing it with a gun.
“We’re not doing guns,” said Browngardt. “But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All of that was kind of grandfathered in.”
Elmer Fudd will instead hunt Bugs Bunny with a scythe because that weapon is somehow less scary or threatening than a gun. [….]
Executive producer Peter Browngardt said that some episodes may be a bit too racy for today’s political climate.
“Some of them have maybe gone a little too far, so they might come out in a different format,” Browngardt told The New York Times. “We’re going through this wave of anti-bullying, everybody needs to be friends, everybody needs to get along. Looney Toons is pretty much the antithesis of that. It’s two characters in conflict, sometimes getting pretty violent.”
Seriously? A scythe?
— NortonAntivirus (@Norton_Anti) June 7, 2020
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