On Sunday, the White House released a picture of President Donald Trump and other officials in the Situation Room during the raid to take out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
But then Pete Souza, the official photographer for Barack Obama and not a fan of Trump, spread fake news, suggesting that the president wasn’t in the White House when the raid was taking place.
The problem was he was wrong about the time of the raid which was actually after 5 p.m. D.C. time and Trump was back in the White House by 4:18.
Souza later posted a correction.
But he didn’t delete the original tweet and causing thousands more to spread it.
Despite the fact that this story had been debunked on Sunday and easily checked against the real timeline later released, Jimmy Kimmel ran with the fake story on his show on Tuesday, claiming that Trump was golfing during the raid, thus spreading to the fake news to potentially millions more.
From Daily Caller:
“They got him [al-Baghdadi] during a raid in Syria,” Kimmel said on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Monday evening. “Now, President Trump was reportedly golfing when they went in. The raid started at 3:30 p.m. According to his schedule, Trump was playing golf at his course in northern Virginia Saturday until a little after 3. Didn’t make it back to the White House until 4:18 … ”
Tim Murtaugh, the Director of Communications for the Trump campaign, demanded that Kimmel correct that false information.
Trying for a cheap laugh, @JimmyKimmelLive last night repeated the long-disproven lie that the President was golfing during the al-Baghdadi raid – a Twitter lie pushed by Obama photographer @PeteSouza.
Real timeline was out way before Kimmel’s show. He should retract & correct. pic.twitter.com/Aa7pPlASfW
— Tim Murtaugh – Download the Trump 2020 app today! (@TimMurtaugh) October 29, 2019
Kimmel also mocked Trump comparing his announcement of Baghdadi’s death to Obama’s announcement about the death of Bin Laden. They mashed up somethings, like suggesting Trump’s description of the hero dog was the description of Baghdadi who he said “died like a dog.”
But as Matt Margolis at PJ Media observed, Obama made his announcement all about him. As he always did.
Barack Obama’s statement was carefully crafted to paint a narrative that made him a central figure of the events leading up to bin Laden’s death. Obama’s goal was to make him synonymous with the death of bin Laden the year before he would face the voters again. He mentioned himself several times: “Tonight, I can report… I directed Leon Panetta… I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden… I met repeatedly with my national security team… I determined that we had enough intelligence…” It was all about him and what he did. He nearly broke his arm patting himself on the back and taking credit for the raid.
Whereas Trump’s statement was about recognizing the others who had helped, even when he used “I” it was virtually always in the context of thanking someone else for their contribution to the effort.
Let’s just add another fact in there, courtesy of Reggie Love, Obama’s former “body man.” Love later revealed that Obama, he and Souza were not in the Situation Room during the bin Laden raid for a good part of the time, that in fact, they were playing cards. According to Love, Obama said, “I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing.”
Here’s video:
And just a reminder to the Obama folks, we’re still waiting on pictures from the Situation Room from the night of the Benghazi attack, over seven years later, as Sharyl Attkisson observed in response to Souza’s tweets about the Baghdadi raid.
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