It’s a given that the only way a party/candidate/cause can win elections is by having more ballots in the box than the other side.
In most elections, whether they be political elections or workplace elections, unions maintain a superior ability to “get out the vote” most of the time.
Therefore, when the pro-union LaborNotes publishes an article (specifically, about internal union elections) detailing some of the myths and facts on GOTV and phone banking, it is worth a read as it relates to just about every other type of election:
GOTV is, of course, no substitute for building a base. GOTV can’t get you votes that you didn’t organize otherwise through member-to-member contact, but it can boost turnout. Since union elections are often low-turnout affairs, GOTV can be the deciding factor.
A comprehensive GOTV strategy includes leaflets, mailings, text messages, social media, and member-to-member phonebanking.
“Phonebanking wins elections,” says Richie Johnson, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 814 in New York. “You can come out with the best flyers and the best T-shirts, but when the ballot comes to your house it’s in a regular envelope. Most people think it’s a bill. You’ve got to remind people to vote and you’ve got to be relentless.” [Emphasis added.]
Read the rest at Labor Notes.

“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
Cross-posted on LaborUnionReport.com.
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