It appears that one of the Democrats’ favorite ploys of paying union members to show up and rally for their candidates isn’t working for Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren.

Instead of paying union members $50 dollars to stand in support of their candidate, as they did in 2008, union bosses are now threatening to fine union members if they fail to show up at Elizabeth Warren events.
Via The Weekly Standard, a GOP tracker shot some video of a union member who appeared to be supporting Warren outside a debate in Springfield, Mass.
When asked if he was at an earlier debate between GOP Senator Scott Brown and Ms. Warren, the union member replied:
“Uh-huh,” the union member says, nodding.
“Did you guys get fined if you weren’t there?” the cameraman asks.
“Yeah,” the union member replies.
“How much did you get fined?” the cameraman asks.
“A hundred and fifty,” the man says, although he later adds, “It’s two-fifty if you don’t go.”
So, just as race-card playing AFL-CIO boss Dick Trumka tried to shame men into voting for Warren a few weeks ago, now we have union bosses threatening to fine their members if they don’t rally for her as well.
Is there no amount of fecal matter too low dirty tactics that union bosses won’t lower themselves to in order to push their agenda and their candidates?
“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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