The Fox News polling results released on Thursday created quite a stir on both sides of the aisle. The survey showed President Trump substantially trailing former Vice President Joe Biden both nationally and in critical battleground states. Worse still, the findings added credence to other recent polls which showed Biden with a comfortable lead over the President. Republican pundits have been dispensing advice to Team Trump on ways to turn it around. He needs to provide a detailed agenda for his second term, he needs to draw a distinction between himself and Biden. And finally, he needs to point out Biden’s weaknesses. So far, the President has done a great job with the latter.
Biden supporters, forgetting that polls are constantly changing, have declared Biden the winner and some are wondering if Trump will exit the race early to avoid a humiliating defeat.
Conservative Brian Cates, a longtime writer for the Epoch Times, wrote a fact-filled, and reassuring, Twitter thread, pointing out some realities that may have been overlooked. It’s lengthy, but I highly recommend giving it a read.
Cates starts with rumors that the Democrats will replace Biden after he receives the party’s nomination in August. Cates reminds us that Trump’s campaign has been setting up their ground game for the past two years. The Biden campaign is still working on theirs. A new nominee would never be able to prepare for the race in two months. It would mean certain defeat. He writes:
It’d be like a 100 yard dash race where one competitor waited until the OTHER GUY was 2/3rds of the way to the finish line before leaving his mark. Trump had FULL TEAMS GEARED UP AND ON THE GROUND in those TWO YEARS AGO. Biden is still staffing.
He writes that the overreach of Democratic governors and mayors will hurt them in November. Democrats, said Cates, ‘have gone stark raving baying-at-the-moon bats**t crazy.”
These Dem govs & mayors literally locked down their citizens for months, sent cops to arrest people running on the beach, shut down the churches, etc.
And then they turned around and ENDORSED MASS PROTESTS AND RIOTING.
There will be **consequences** for this.
Contrary to what one may believe, he says that “THE DEMOCRATIC BASE IS NOT GROWING. It’s been SHRINKING for 5 years now. And the shrinking has SPED up over the past 2 years.”
Read the whole thread:
…the new nominee would not be getting it from Biden. Biden hasn't even FINISHED BUILDING HIS CAMPAIGN TEAM YET.
OF 2020.
He's only JUST NOW gotten around to hiring the top staff in the battleground states.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
It'd be like a 100 yard dash race where one competitor waited until the OTHER GUY was 2/3rds of the way to the finish line before leaving his mark.
Biden is still staffing.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
So not only does Trump's ground game & fundraising leave the Democrats far behind this year, there's ANOTHER factor that has come into play:
The Democratic party has openly turned into a party of stark raving lunatics.
Don't ARGUE with me about it..
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
They watched lunatics in charge send COVID patients into the nursing homes. They watched them stand the police down, refuse to send in the guard, and then babble about how they 'hope all the business owners have insurance!' after days of rioting.
DEMOCRAT VOTERS watching this: pic.twitter.com/Nb07adEFfC
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
In fact, there has always been quite a SIZABLE segment of citizens in these blue states that 'don't get political, stay out of all that', etc.
They don't vote. They don't pay all that much attention to this kind of stuff.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
Millions of politically uninvolved citizens in these blue states and Democrats who weren't insane have gotten a BRUTAL wake up call in the last 6 months.
"Holy crap…my mayor/gov is a LUNATIC. These people are a clear and present danger to me and my family!"
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
How many times do I have to say it?
How many times before it sinks in?
It's been SHRINKING for 5 years now. And the shrinking has SPED up over the past 2 years.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
Trump has an amazing superpower.
Do you know what it is?
I've discussed it several times.
It's how he won in 2016.
Do you know what this guy's superpower is? pic.twitter.com/AbuGEnmFb6
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
Trump has an amazing set up for this present campaign.
Democrats have gone stark raving baying-at-the-moon batshit crazy.
Believe it or not, this is going to HELP Trump make his pitch to the SANE people in the Blue States.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
No matter what I say, it won't matter to some people. Their minds are made up.
They babble to me that Trump has no agency, there's no segment of incredibly disillusioned and pissed off citizens in these Blue States for him to make a pitch to over the next 4 months.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
Trump will fully utilize **every advantage that he now has** that he did NOT have in 2016.
In 2016, it was HILLARY CLINTON that had every advantage.
Including in money. She spent over 1 billion. Trump spent less than half that.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
Even conservative pundits sell you a version of Trump where he's a doofus who has no clue what's going on around him, he's managed to stumble and bumble his way this far based on sheer dumb luck, but his luck is about to run out!
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
You've already been seeing VOTING RECORDS being set in the special elections and in the primaries where Trump is running unopposed.
I understand. You have fear porn peddlers all around rattling the chains of MAIL IN VOTE FRAUD.
It won't matter.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
The anger building to a white hot rage-peak in the blue states where citizens are having to deal with these DEMOCRATIC IDEOLOGICAL LUNATICS, President Trump **will** fully tap into it and channel it into votes.
Watch it happen.
— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) June 26, 2020
H/T: Twitchy
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