Project Veritas’ founder James O’Keefe promised to name names. And he does indeed name names, however, the video makes only one definitive connection between RefuseFascism and the well-known names he dropped in his teaser tweet on Wednesday.
Still, the video was interesting in terms of showing what the group’s objectives are and how they work to meet them.
This video takes us inside of two meetings of RefuseFascism.
Tee Stern, the head of the Atlanta Chapter of RefuseFascism, believes that by sheer numbers of protestors and contributions, she can push through her agenda. The organization, she says, did receive a grant from George Soros at one time, but that was “a long time ago” when she “was doing more abortion rights and defending clinics.”
Andy Zee, a national organizer for the group, speaks for the majority of the video. Although O’Keefe teases by saying that Tom Steyer is named as a financial supporter of RefuseFascism, Zee describes only trying to set up a meeting with him. He indicated that Steyer retweets some of “our stuff.”
Zee said he had met with people from Steve Wozniak’s “Electronic Frontier Foundation,” who were going to help get them “connected.” But he doesn’t actually say Wozniak’s foundation made a donation.
He said that the Hillary campaign worked with RefuseFascism because “they see the danger.”
It’s possible that no major disclosures were made because both Stern and Zee were in group settings. And in Zee’s case, there was a journalist present.
When it’s all said and done, their philosophy doesn’t appear to have evolved all that much the Saul Alinsky model of agitate, agitate, agitate.
Here is a transcript and the seven minute video follows.
Transcript of James O’Keefe’s Latest #ExposeAntifa Video
Tee Stern, Head of the Atlanta Chapter of RefuseFascism: The ultimate vision is to…for people to break with their comfort and come into the streets day after day, night after night into the hundreds of thousands, into the millions, and not leave until they have to step down. The main thing about this, is that we see this is not going to happen through “normal channels” because we are living in abnormal times, and the way we see this is that there is going to be a need for thousands of people, and then millions, to come into the streets and demand that the Trump-Pence regime must go.
We did apply for a grant from Soros at one point, a long time ago when I was doing more abortion rights and defending clinics. We actually did get a grant from them (Soros) around – we started a thing called a “National Day of Appreciation” for abortion providers.
Contributing money is a huge…Look, we are not going to reach millions without millions. That’s just straight up. We are not going to do it. We need millions of dollars to reach millions of people.
You know, if you can get a meeting with either one of those Sunsara Taylor or Andy Zee, he would be…a very important experience in your life.
Andy Zee, National organizer of RefuseFascism: We’re trying to meet with Tom Steyer.
Right now, I don’t know if we took the meeting today, we’re meeting with his main advisor on impeachment. They kind of, I don’t know who that is, it’s somebody…We’ve been talking to his assistant, he first said he was gonna meet, then he got busy, he made the announcement.
Tom Steyer’s been retweeting some of our stuff, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gonna wanna, I think he has, this is only me speaking based on reading newspapers from New York. I believe he has political ambitions.
That he may actually want to not be directly connected.
Narrator: It’s not just Soros and Steyer that have interest in groups like RefuseFa and Antifa. It’s also our friends in Silicon Valley.
Zee: I’m going to be meeting with a person who’s donating – not his, his money is not part of that $80,000, but he’s donated over $50,000. We have other people who have donated $10,000 so actually you’re not first, but you are first. And if we could have right now $15,000 which is not very much extra.
This is $15,000 that I have learned on this tour, we should have three of these tours going out to the campuses right now.
I met with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (Steve Wozniak – Co-founder). I think you’re familiar with them, they’re the main people fighting on net neutrality…all this stuff.
It’s the main organization that fights for internet privacy, net neutrality. It’s a major f**king organization. I met with them, they’re in San Francisco, they’re going to help us get connected.
Narrator: Our cities are on fire. With riots in the streets and elections at stake, everything seems so organized. It’s not a surprise that presidential campaigns might get involved.
Zee: Dee Dee Myers, Cornel West, Arturo O’Farrill, I mean these are major figures in the Arts and Sciences who are definitely not revolutionaries, okay? And you’ll see, there’s people even in the Hillary Campaign worked with RefuseFascism because they see the danger.
You have to create a kind of demand from below. The Trump-Pence regime must go.
Journalist: The abolition.
Zee: Yeah. Where there’s the kind of situation that did exist in South Korea, where the society itself is both a crisis in that, just imagine if, let’s put millions aside for a second, that there was 10-50,000 people demonstrating in just five of those cities, which if they were demonstrating there, I could tell you from history of it, it would be spreading like wildfire.
That number of people who are protesting, you know, at first maybe every week, and then every three days, then every other day where people are coming after work and the streets are flooded every night from 5:00 o’clock until 1:00 o’clock in the morning. And there was probably among younger people, there would be a few thousand who stayed overnight, and this was happening in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and this at a certain point dominates the national news. Cities are, in a certain sense, non violent demonstrations. But still, it’s a very disruptive force. That has international repercussions, look at what’s happening in the U.S.
“If the ‘1 percent’ wanted to win control of America, they needed to rebrand themselves as champions of the other ’99 percent.'” Jane Mayer
Who’s really funding these extremist groups?
Follow the trail of the dark money…
BREAKING: George Soros and @TomSteyer named as financial supporters of @RefuseFascism national organizers
“We did get a grant from [Soros]”
“We’re trying to meet with @TomSteyer…has political ambitions…not want to be directly connected”#DefundAntifa pic.twitter.com/7cBIcPjrsp
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) June 11, 2020
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