Terror in Tel Aviv: One Killed, Three Others Wounded in Stabbing Attack

AP Photo/Armin Durgut

The bloodshed continues in the Middle East as a terrorist reportedly went on a stabbing spree in the Holon neighborhood of Tel Aviv Sunday morning and killed a 70-year-old woman and injured two men, one 68 years old and the other 26. Details are still coming in, so the situation may change. The attacker, reportedly 34-year-old terrorist Amar Razak Kamel Odeh—a resident of the Palestinian city Salfit in the West Bank—was eliminated.


One person was killed, and three others were wounded on Sunday morning in a terrorist stabbing attack on Moshe Dayan Street in Holon, Israel's emergency medical service, Magen David Adom (MDA) reported.

A policeman who happened to be in the area shot and killed the terrorist.

The murdered victim was a 70-year-old woman. One 70-year-old male is in critical condition, a 68-year-old man is in serious condition, and a 26-year-old man is in moderate condition in the attack, according to the MDA. The paramedics took the three wounded to the Wolfson Medical Center.

The terrorist is lethally neutralized (unconfirmed) searches are ongoing for any accomplices, the stabbing took place in 3 locations. The terrorist is suspected to be a Palestinian male from the West Bank/Palestinian territories.

The victims were not in the same location; the assailant apparently was able to go on an extended spree:

MDA Ayalon Region Deputy Director Paramedic Rami Meushar and Medicycle Unit Senior EMT Eran Carmel said that those wounded in the attack "were in three separate locations, approximately 500 meters away from each other." 

A Ynet report stated that Odeh began the stabbing spree in the park behind a gas station on Moshe Dayan Street. He started going toward the sidewalk and the bus stop on the street adjacent to the gas station and then stabbed three people in the park and another person on the sidewalk. 


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(Note that the above tweet says five Israelis were stabbed, while other reports say four.) This is a developing situation and RedState will bring you updates as warranted. 


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