Hopefully, you’re having a good Memorial Day observance today — May 29th, 2023 in the Gregorian calendar. This day, of course, is set aside to remember those men and women who sacrificed their lives while serving in the United States military. I do feel that we do not give enough credence to this day and I may expound upon that in a future post about possible remedies to that.
Earlier today, I spoke about two soldiers who gave their lives and went to my high school, and also wrote about them in this story: Let’s Recall for a Moment Why We Even Have a Memorial Day Observance in This Country.
My colleague Brittany Sheehan also touched on the Memorial Day remembrance with her offering Hey, LA Dodgers: The Fallen Soldier in My Family Was Catholic, and here is a brief snippet of her post…
It’s Memorial Day, and I’m observing it by remembering the loss of a family member. My grandfather’s brother, Staff Sergeant Walter “Bernie” Sheehan was killed in combat on December 29, 1944. Uncle Bernie was awarded a Purple Heart and a Silver Star for multiple acts of gallantry in battle and is buried at the American Cemetery in Luxembourg, where the esteemed General Patton chose to be laid to rest alongside his Third Army.
Bernie received his Silver Star for two feats, the first was using a grenade to annihilate a Nazi machine gun nest, and the fatal act of assaulting such a gunner, as the men he fought with were taking heavy casualties in the bloody Battle of the Bulge. Bernie was a young 22 years old when he paid the ultimate sacrifice.
While we have these remembrances on the pages of RedState and other places across the interwebs, the world’s largest search engine seems to be sputtering on how to observe it. The Google Doodle has become a bit of a thing in recent years, often featuring some sort of art that refers to an event or person in history. Today would have been a great time to possibly feature some art or picture of American soldiers taking part in an action that reminds us of the ultimate price that is paid in war. Maybe a picture of Arlington National Cemetary and the rows of white tombstones that are the markers of the mortal remains of those lost.
Instead, we get this.

Don’t believe me? This is the official link RIGHT HERE.
A small American flag and grey letters replace the colorful Google trademark with all the colors of the rainbow.
Thanks, Google.
In just a couple of days, we will enter the month of June and the annual celebration of LGBTQ-JYVB (exaggeration intended) month and I invite you to notice how the home page of the Google Doodle will light up like a CHRISTmas tree.
I’m not saying other people groups or events should not be recognized. However, I am saying that maybe you could do a little more in the graphic department for those that sacrificed to allow you to flourish.
Also, why do we not have a Memorial Day month to honor all the men, women, all ethnicity, colors or creeds, and any sexual preference that served and died for the cause of freedom?
Just a thought.
Make sure to check out my bio below and let me know what you think, and God’s Speed to the families and friends of those who served and died for this country.
Maybe you have some thoughts on any of this, you can always let me know by checking out my bio RIGHT HERE and let me know via email or multiple social media platforms. Also, you can check out my FACEBOOK LIVE every Mon-Wed-Fri at 10 EDT over at Duke Over America and let me know what you think in real-time.