This Sept. 1, 2013 photo released by NBC shows NBC Political Director Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” in Washington. NBC News says Todd will replace David Gregory as moderator of “Meet the Press.” He begins Sept. 7. Gregory, who has hosted the Sunday morning public-affairs program since 2008, will leave the network. He had been with NBC News since 1995. (AP Photo by/NBC, William B. Plowman, File)
No one ever accused Chuck Todd of being anything other than a low-wattage Democrat party apparatchik. That lack of talent and the desperation seeping into the Democrat establishment as more and more of the Democrat base are ‘feeling the Bern’ was on full display.
Today on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily (who knew such a thing even existed or that anyone wanted it to exist), Todd used–and this is so delicious–a post by somebody in Bill Kristol’s nasty little vanity site, The Bulwark, to attack Bernie Sanders supporters. Supposedly this post castigated Bernie Sanders supporters for using the same online tactics as Trump supporters but, naturally, found the Sanders supporters to me morally superior (I am not making that up).
MSDNC’s @chucktodd approvingly quotes a screed from Bill Kristol’s neocon Bulwark likening Bernie supporters to Nazi brownshirts pic.twitter.com/1OmilNTL87
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) February 10, 2020
This is the take from RawStory
Here is old Sleepy Eyes:
[Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus], we have all been on the receiving end of the Bernie online brigade. Here’s what [Jonanthan Last] says, no other candidate has anything like this digital brown shirt brigade except for Donald Trump. The question is this, ‘What if you can’t win the presidency without an online mob? What if we live where having an a bullying, aggro social media online army popping anyone who sticks their head up, is an ingredient for or a critical marker of success?”
A little bit of commonsense would have led a rational man to not use ‘brownshirts’, even in quote form, when referring to the supporters of the only (AFAIK) Jewish candidate in the race. I mean you expect quasi-literate stuff like that out of The Bulwark but you expect people who are billed as top tier journalists to know better. What is funny is that The Bulwark, which has been fluffing the left like nobody’s business in their search for relevance, gets a pass on the Nazi metaphor because the left still thinks that they are basically Nazis themselves and no one is surprised when they do it.
The Sandersistas were not amused:
.@chucktodd on MSNBC just read off a quote from an article calling us Bernie's online brown shirt brigade and I nearly wrecked my car. I had to pull over. This attack is not ok! Bernie Sanders is, Jewish and comparing us to Hitler's brown shirts makes me sick to my stomach!
— Alexandra Halaby🌹 (@iskandrah) February 10, 2020
Last year @chucktodd admonished @AOC for accurately calling the concentration camps on our border "concentration camps." Now he's quoting someone comparing Bernie supporters to Nazis. Feels like a dangerous time to be so misinformed about Holocaust historyhttps://t.co/P1w7fxXb4r https://t.co/GmBXRk3eO7
— Eli Valley (@elivalley) February 10, 2020
"Digital brown shirt brigade."
That's how our Jewish candidate's supporters are being described on the MSM.
The contempt shown for ordinary people is really something. https://t.co/Nu6CP9fAMq
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) February 10, 2020
Just some thoughts.
The Bernie Sanders base is getting a first had taste of what Donald Trump supporters have had to put up with for nearly four years. The Democrat establishment loathes them and only listens to them to gull them into voting for the “adults in the room.” We, on the right, feel your pain. We’ve given the Congress to the GOP twice, in 2010 and 2014, by mobilizing to elect people who would not pee on us if we were on fire. Get used to the feeling because that feeling is not going away until you start demanding a return on your investment.
By the way, Sanders supporters, your #firechucktodd hashtag campaign trending may make you feel powerful but you’re just fooling yourself. You’re not. NBC brass is chuckling, if you will, and shaking their heads at you guys. Todd will come out tomorrow or the next day…maybe…with some kind of mealy mouthed ‘sorry you were offended’ non-apology.
For Todd to equate Sanders supporters to Trump supporters is a pretty amazing thing as it shows the heat that Sanders is bringing on the Democrat establishment. What remains a mystery is why anyone thinks treating Sanders supporters as rabid curs is going to work any better than GOP candidates doing that to Trump supporters in 2016.
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