2017 AFGE Legislative Conference – Sunday
AFGE activists travel to Washington, DC for the union’s annual Legislative Conference. by AFGE Marques, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
So far the media has managed to avert its eyes and studiously ignore a major story of corruption and malfeasance in Congress because to cover said story would totally destroy a narrative and expose them to allegations that they are racist.
At the epicenter of this tale is the pustulent and rather dim Elijah Cummings from my current state of residence. Cummings is your typical product of the Maryland Democrat machine. The reek of corruption is always near him but never quite attaches to him because he is, as I said, the product of the Maryland Democrat machine and therefore bulletproof. Now all of that may be getting ready to change.
In late May, the National Legal and Policy Center filed an IRS complaint against Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, who is the wife of Elijah Cummings.
The Complaint describes a score of apparent Internal Revenue Code violations, including prohibited private benefit and inurement of the Cummings. CGPS has received millions in grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and, in late 2017, was granted a million-dollar contract from the General Services Administration. The funds were purportedly provided to fight childhood obesity. The Complaint asks the IRS to investigate whether “its organizers are getting fat off the grants.”
At the same time she heads CGPS, Mrs. Cummings heads a for-profit consulting firm called Global Policy Solutions, LLC, whose operations appear to have been indistinguishable from those of CGPS. The two entities have shared office space, telephones, etc., all of which are flagrant violations of the Internal Revenue Code.
With a Republican, the Washington Post would have been all over this, in this case, the Post sent out a stenographer to take down the denial:
“It appears a conservative front group and a news outlet . . . are pushing a hit piece filled with faulty research, lies and innuendo in an attempt to tarnish my personal reputation, professional work and public service as well as that of my spouse,” Rockeymoore Cummings said in a statement, calling the effort a “distasteful attempt to intimidate my family into silence at such a pivotal moment in our nation’s history.”
She declined to answer follow-up questions about her nonprofit’s work, donors and contracts.
And the Post, doing what it does best when dealing with favored and powerful Democrats, just let it drop.
Earlier this month, the NLPC released more details:
The amended complaint states that Rockeymoore Cummings “appears to have been paid twice for the same services,” noting that she collects a “substantial full-time salary” from her charity on top of the 5% management fee it pays her for-profit venture.
For example, Rockeymoore Cummings earned a salary of $152,155 from her charity in 2015, according to its Form 990 tax return that year. Also in 2015, her charity paid her consulting firm $78,178 in “management fees,” according to its audited financial statements.
Today, however, things took a turn for the better. Both the Trump Campaign and Donald Trump, Jr. spoke on the subject:
Wow—Elijah Cummings’ crooked dealings are being exposed. How long until he is forced to step down? https://t.co/FkBhyPuxHy
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP (@TrumpWarRoom) June 12, 2019
Sounds like an Oversight issue. I look forward to him investigating this with his usual fervor.🙄
Elijah Cummings’s Wife Hit With New Allegations Of Self-Dealing And Perjury In Updated IRS Complaint https://t.co/OmpfTvPHuQ
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 12, 2019
Is it even mildly plausible that Cummings didn’t know the grift that his wife was running? Not very likely. Will the IRS get involved? They may end up not having any choice.
The media will ignore this as long as it can. But, if history serves as any guide, neither of these are going to forget something as juicy and useful as this story is. Then the media and Nancy Pelosi will have some tough decisions to make and they will have to make them in an election year.
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