Screengrab from https://youtu.be/mwKqm0euSBA
Because nothing really important happened last week…like Turkey teetering on the precipice of financial meltdown, or the revelation that the FBI continued to use Christopher Steele for months after they “fired” him, or Mueller’s crack team getting mauled in a Northern Virginia courthouse…NBC’s Chuck “Sleepy Eyes” Todd had former Trump staffer, Omarosa Manigault, on to pimp her tell-all book. I think its titled “I Worked For a Stone Racist for 14 Years But Didn’t Care So Long as the Checks Cleared and it Helped My Career.”
One of the interesting things to come out of the interview was the revelation that Manigault secretly taped chief of staff John Kelly as he fired her.
This is crazy: Omarosa secretly recorded Chief of Staff John Kelly IN THE SITUATION ROOM pic.twitter.com/08AWjEpqJb
— Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) August 12, 2018
The irony of Manigault being fired for integrity violations as she was secretly taping the event with the obvious intent of writing a book denigrating the guy who took hired her. DC is a “one party” wiretap state and so is the federal government, which means as long as Manigault knew what she was doing…and there is always a coin toss there…she didn’t break the law. On the whole, I didn’t see what she had her knickers wadded about. As firings go, Kelly was pretty gentle. His advice about how to conduct herself, given her personality, was on the mark. Letting her know that the White House wasn’t going to sit idly by and have her throw stones was a courtesy and I suspect, in the long run, she’s going to regret this stunt. She was fired from two jobs in the Clinton administration for being an unpleasant harpy, while the left might love the treason they would do well to hate this particular traitor and give her wide berth.
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