Moore to the Point - Heard Immunity

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

They say the mind works in mysterious ways, and mine is no exception — particularly this past week as I've been dealing with the after-effects of a mild concussion.* 


Whatever the reasons for it, the recent news that Anthony Fauci is now set to testify before Congress in June, along with the Biden campaign's attempts to throw shade at former President Trump for things he didn't say about potential COVID therapeutics, and the fact that reported COVID cases have basically fallen off the map, got me to thinking about that quaint notion of "herd immunity." Are we there yet? 

That, in turn, got me to thinking about another sort of immunity, namely that of the presidential issue argued before and heard by the Supreme Court on Thursday. I listened in on that and did my best to suss out where each of the justices seemed to be leaning on the issue and what my gut tells me they'll ultimately do with the decision. I do have a theory — though only a theory. 


But I also wonder if the American populace has developed sufficient immunity to the mind games the powers that be in our government and media seem intent on playing, such that we're still able to exert our will in a meaningful way at the ballot box. I do hope so. 

*Please note I am not seeking medical advice or sympathy. I've been thoroughly evaluated medically and am managing — just definitely aware of the after-effects of the noggin-rattling.

 This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, April 26th. Audio included below.


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