Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Biden Has ‘Hot Mic’ Reveal Instructions, Gets Loose From Handlers, Makes Bizarre Gun Comments — by Nick Arama
“I’ll stay on my blue mark,” Biden says, complying with the instructions. The guide even tells him that he’ll “help him get started.”
In the words of one Twitter user, it’s “Weekend at Bernie’s,” even down to the sunglasses to cover up that there isn’t much going on behind them. But it looks like an elder care situation here, not someone who is supposed to be the leader of the free world. If he is so in need of help, who is truly running things behind the scenes?
But then, when he began to talk, Biden didn’t make things any better — he said a lot of things that just didn’t make any sense.

#2 – New Video Shows Police Officers Inciting Crowd on January 6th, Prosecutors Desperately Try to Hide Footage — by Bonchie
This provides more evidence that January 6th grew out of confusion and not some organized plot to overthrow the government. When you have protesters being urged on by police officers, that then provides some level of authority to advance on and enter the Capitol Building. In other words, as many defendants have claimed in court proceedings, the protesters felt that the police were on their side, and they didn’t believe they were breaking the law (I’m speaking specifically of those who did not get violent).
As to the notion that releasing this footage would put the lives of officers at risk, that’s laughable. In almost no other case is body cam (or other footage such as in this case) kept hidden due to completely unsubstantiated risks. In fact, it is typically the left that is shouting for the release of footage the loudest after any incident, justified or not.

#3 – WATCH: Sen. Kennedy Wrecks Janet Yellen, WH During Grilling on US Economy — by Nick Arama
The problem is that the fish stinks from the head down. That’s Biden (and the folks pulling his levers behind the scenes). So, even if they get rid of her, the policies are all still horrific.
The embarrassing grilling that she had this week in Congress shows how much at sea Yellen is. But, it also revealed just how much they intend to tax us. Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) asked Yellen whether it was true that Joe Biden’s budget proposes $4.7 trillion in new taxes.

#4 – Joe Biden Swan-Dives off the Deep End With Incoherent, Offensive Speech — by Bonchie
Does he know how to read a room, or does he know how to read a room? Biden is a real man of the people, showing his empathy for the victims of a heinous crime by riffing for the umpteenth time on his love of chocolate chip ice cream and laughing about it. Clearly, this man is mentally fit for the presidency and understands the moment.
Conversely, he’s completely senile, and as his speech drug on, that became painfully clear. Seriously, this is the only guy in the world who can make ice cream sound creepy. That he doesn’t know what office he holds is also somewhat concerning.

#5 – BOMBSHELL: James O’Keefe Uncovers Massive Potential Political Money Laundering to Democrat Campaigns — by Kira Davis
To reiterate, that is not thousands of dollars in donations a year, that is thousands of small donations a year, adding up to tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars under various sole individuals.
Using the publicly available data, O’Keefe headed to Maryland to track down some of the donors from that state and confirm with them if they had indeed been making thousands of small donations a year to ActBlue.
For example, one senior citizen was recorded as making over 1,000 individual donations in the year 2022 for a total of a little over $18,000. That would mean she was donating to ActBlue three times a day for an entire year. When asked if she had purposefully donated so frequently to the organization, the Maryland senior told O’Keefe that while she had donated a few dollars here and there, she absolutely had not donated that much money, nor that many times.
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