As we the weeks go by and we get closer to the November presidential election, a growing number of Democrats are once again going on record to suggest, without evidence, that there’s a strong possibility that Trump will not accept the results of the election if he loses.
Presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said last month in an interview with The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah that he was “absolutely convinced [the military] will escort him from the White House with great dispatch” after being asked by Noah about the possibility of Trump refusing to concede.
Failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made similar comments Monday when she, too, was asked by Noah about her thoughts on whether or not Trump would concede if he lost to Biden. As my colleague Alex Parker reported, Clinton said, “Well, I think it is a fair point to raise as to whether or not, if he loses, he’s going to go quietly or not. And we have to be ready for that.”
As I watched her make the comments in the video clips shared on Twitter, I thought to myself “the same woman who has said for the last four years the 2016 presidential election was stolen from her is expressing concern that the man who defeated her won’t accept the results if he’s defeated? Really?”
A lot of people had similar thoughts, including White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who was asked about Clinton’s comments during an interview with Harris Faulkner earlier today on Fox News. Here’s how McEnany responded:
“It’s quite comical to watch the Democrat Party talk about not accepting the results of the election,” McEnany said, “because the only people who haven’t accepted the results of elections are people in the Democrat Party, like Hillary Clinton who’s blamed her loss on, I think it was something like two dozen different entities, never blaming herself.”
McEnany also took a shot at former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who has repeatedly cast doubt on the validity of her 2018 loss to Republican Brian Kemp.
Seriously, it’s the height of hypocrisy – not to mention hilarious – to see Democrats like Clinton and Biden and others fret about Trump not supposedly being able to handle losing in November, especially when you consider Democrats have done nothing since 2016 but try and undo his victory because they think he didn’t win it legitimately.
In summary:
"Alexa, show me a textbook example of projection." https://t.co/bd8jLEXykg
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) July 15, 2020
You really can’t make this stuff up. You really just can’t.
Related –>> Kayleigh McEnany Drops Facts on Adam Schiff After ‘Two Systems of Justice’ Claim on Roger Stone Commutation
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