On Friday, I wrote about how House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) stated on the House floor that Republicans were “dealing with imaginary things like Antifa” in trying to craft amendments to the Democrat-led House’s police reform bill. Here’s the video of Nadler making the comments, for those who missed it:
.@RepJerryNadler just said #ANTIFA was "imaginary."
Seriously? Tell that to the business owners whose shops were looted and destroyed. pic.twitter.com/o8IVgP9G8I
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) June 25, 2020
In response, House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jim Jordan (R-OH) went off on Nadler for gaslighting Americans on the floor of the U.S. House, stating that “They’re real. And if you don’t believe me, go talk to Andy Ngo, the journalist in Portland who was attacked by Antifa.”
Jordan went on to say that it was “scary” to think Nadler would make such a statement considering all the video evidence that exists as to their violent activities in Democrat-run cities like Portland, Oregon and Washington, D.C.
As a result of Nadler’s comments, Jordan proceeded to invite Ngo to speak during today’s House Oversight briefing on “government violence against peaceful protesters and the journalists covering them.”
Ngo did indeed speak during the virtual hearing this morning, and laid out some inconvenient facts for the Democrats on the committee regarding how he had been personally threatened over the years by Antifa, how they physically assaulted him a year ago in Portland during a riot, and how they had also threatened his family by showing up at their home Halloween night.
He then laid out and included receipts on other documented instances of violent Antifa threats and attacks from all over the country, and noted that he agreed with President Trump’s designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization.
"You could hear the distant sirens of the police, but no one would show up”
“George Floyd deserves justice but so do countless Americans, journalists, and others victimized by militant extremists who use us as human shields.”
More of @MrAndyNgo’s powerful statement here ⏬ pic.twitter.com/2b5o7g9pUF
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) June 29, 2020
“Do you agree with the president’s designation of ANTIFA as a terrorist organization?” @Jim_Jordan asks.
“Yes,” @MrAndyNgo unequivocally replies, "based on the activities I see them doing on the ground.”
And then he goes into detail … pic.twitter.com/OuHPWplCAW
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) June 29, 2020
Exactly one year ago, I was the victim of a beating by antifa in Portland. No one was ever arrested.
Today I gave testimony at a congressional hearing on how antifa extremists have used the BLM protests of the past month to carry out carnage on America. https://t.co/EIGveOniru pic.twitter.com/vvVHCKF8Qb
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 29, 2020
Interestingly enough, the Democrats who led today’s hearing on assaults on journalists couldn’t be bothered to include Ngo’s name on the media notice about today’s briefing, though the names of other journalists who would be appearing on the panel were listed:
Hmmm …. Democrats' media notice about this morning's oversight briefing doesn't mention @MrAndyNgo, even though he's the GOP-invited briefer.
🤔 Wonder why they left him out??? pic.twitter.com/HQibcoTaTR
— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) June 29, 2020
I guess it really is true that only certain lives matter to Democrats after all.
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