As has been demonstrated throughout the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak and the George Floyd protests, CNN is at the bottom of the barrel right along with MSNBC when it comes to consistency in reporting and positions on the issues.
Such was the case on Sunday, when anchor Jake Tapper had White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on to talk about the administration’s response to the outbreak. Tapper immediately jumped Navarro over the “slow the testing” comments Trump made during the Saturday rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Before we get to the exchange between Tapper and Navarro, here’s what Trump said in context:
“You know, testing is a double-edged sword. We’ve tested now 25 million people,” Trump said at the rally. “Here’s the bad part. When you test – when you do testing, to that extent, you’re going to find more people. You’re gonna find more cases.
“So I said to my people, slow the testing down, please,” Trump continued. “They test and they test. We had tests that people don’t know what’s going on. … We got another one over here. The young man’s 10 years old. He’s got the sniffles. He’ll recover in about 15 minutes. That’s a case.”
It was clear from the video that Trump was joking when he said it (even NBC News reported that he was joking), but that didn’t stop many others in the mainstream media including Tapper from vaulting into yet another full scale eruption over how Trump allegedly wanted to slow down testing so the numbers didn’t look bad.
It was a contentious back and forth between Tapper and Navarro, the latter of who referred to the comments as “tongue in cheek” and “a light moment.” At one point, Tapper did his best Oliver Darcy impression by telling Navarro that with over 120,000 American deaths from the virus now was not the time for a “light moment”:
Navarro laughed. “C’mon now, Jake, you know that was tongue in cheek,” he said, adding, “That’s news for ya, tongue in cheek.”
Tapper responded: “I don’t know that it was tongue in cheek. He’s said similar things for months.”
Navarro called it a “light moment for Donald Trump at his rally.”
Tapper pressed on. “I’m not sure that a deadly pandemic where almost 120,000 Americans [lost their lives] are really a good subject for a light moment.”
Watch Tapper virtue signal for a good two minutes on the issue:
Peter Navarro claims that Trump was just being "tongue in cheek" when he sais we should slow down coronavirus testing.
Jake Tapper: "I think testing is a very serious issue."
Navarro: "Come on. It was a light moment!" pic.twitter.com/fQkMPRpey2
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) June 21, 2020
The problem with Tapper chiding Navarro for referring to Trump’s remarks as a “light moment” is that Tapper apparently has either conveniently forgotten or memory-holed the “Keeping up with the Cuomos” episodes his colleague Chris has done with Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), his brother – including the infamous one where oversized Q-tip props were used:
@jaketapper says a pandemic is not the time for a "light moment", fine, I can go with that, but obviously he doesn't watch his own network @CNN https://t.co/n6vXxWZ5yS
— John Colhoun (@TriFalcon) June 22, 2020
Instead of asking his brother, @NYGovCuomo why he decided to pack COVID patients into nursing homes, killing untold amounts of people, @ChrisCuomo pulled out oversized, prop cotton swabs to mock how big his brother's nose was. This is the state of "journalism" on @CNN. Pathetic! pic.twitter.com/undeQMyVeN
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 21, 2020
Chris Cuomo didn’t ask his brother a single question at any point about the deadly New York nursing home scandal, which to date has claimed over 6,000 lives – and possibly thousands more.
So, no – CNN is not in a position to be lecturing anyone anywhere at any time on when and if to have a light-hearted moment in the middle of a pandemic.
Related –>> CNN Anchor Jake Tapper’s Sanctimonious ‘Smear Campaign’ Rant Continues to Backfire Spectacularly
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