High-profile media and Democratic figures like failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton have not been shy about parroting Chinese government propaganda in an attempt to diminish the efforts of President Trump and his Wuhan coronavirus task force to combat the Wuhan coronavirus.
But who would have guessed her daughter Chelsea would jump on board that bandwagon?
Yet jump on board she did after the Washington Post “reported” that Wuhan has announced plans to test all 11 million of their residents for the virus:
After six new cases, Wuhan plans to test all 11 million residents for coronavirus https://t.co/KRuDvzVfeV
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 12, 2020
Trump said yesterday that this week the U.S. will have performed 10 million #COVID19 tests – over more than three months. Wuhan is planning to perform 11 million tests in 10 days. https://t.co/jZKbxDiYpV
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) May 12, 2020
Chelsea’s hot take is just odd since China has admittedly revised their definition of what they consider a legitimate case of the virus at least eight different times. They also silenced Wuhan virus whistleblowers, some of who are missing or dead. There are also numerous reports of how China has often massaged their case numbers so the true story of how widespread the infection has been there will not be told.
So you know that their case numbers have to be off. Way off. China cannot be trusted on anything. Not at all.
Understandably, Chelsea’s tweet was not well-received by folks:
Xi says, "Thanks for having our backs, big gal!" pic.twitter.com/RuviTLILAN
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) May 12, 2020
They also said they have it under control. If that is the case, why so many tests? I don’t believe them…or you!
— Rick Clapie (@RickClapie) May 12, 2020
And of course what China says is true. Like for example the lack of the threat of the virus in January or it's origins, right?
— Brian Mudd (@brianmuddradio) May 12, 2020
Will you be coming over to my house to drag me out into the street at gunpoint for my test or will it be someone else?
— Regs (@r3gulations) May 12, 2020
How much did China pay for this tweet?
— Constitutional Rights Loving JRC (@jrcrawley) May 12, 2020
Whatever it takes to dunk on Trump – right, Chelsea?
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