The whole “Trump told people to ingest disinfectant” story nonsense is, in my opinion, one of the dumbest manufactured “controversies” the mainstream media have stirred up in a long time. But manufacturing outrage is one of the things they do best, so we shouldn’t be too surprised at their latest stunt.
Hashtags like #Lysol and #TrumpIsNotADoctor trended on Twitter today thanks to the misinformation and spin surrounding the story, and of course opportunistic Democrats couldn’t resist the urge to swoop in for the attempted dunk.
One of those Democrats, not surprisingly, was failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who never misses the opportunity to take cheap shots against her former opponent. She’s still very bitter about losing to Trump in 2016, and she couldn’t contain it even if she wanted to.
But she doesn’t, and so there she went earlier today, advising people not to ingest poison just “because Donald Trump thinks it could be a good idea”:
Please don’t poison yourself because Donald Trump thinks it could be a good idea.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 24, 2020
Actor James Woods, a staunch conservative, was not about to let her comments slide:
Epstein didn’t bleach himself. https://t.co/72thZVETXw
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 24, 2020
And he wasn’t the only one:
The only thing Hillary ever used bleach on was her emails. pic.twitter.com/B3hDPjJ6RQ
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) April 24, 2020
Bleach should be saved for emails, right, Hills? pic.twitter.com/KvJMoaSH7C
— Harriet Baldwin Text Trump 88022 (@HarrietBaldwin) April 24, 2020
But bleach was good enough for your servers… ???
— Raheem Kassam 😷 (@RaheemKassam) April 24, 2020
Here's your hubby… pic.twitter.com/pIhTE1tDTA
— Greatest President Ever! (@realTrumpForce) April 24, 2020
Yeah, only Hillary is allowed to instruct people to kill themselves https://t.co/jLMEaXte38
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) April 24, 2020
Once again, Hillary opens her mouth and inserts her foot. That’s nothing new for her, but it deserves to be called out every time it happens nevertheless.
Flashback –>> Hillary Clinton Gets Rude Awakening After Tweeting Rant Against ‘Purging Public Servants Disloyal to a Regime’
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