Trump supporter Bryson Gray explains why he bought the biggest MAGA hat he could find prior to attending a campaign rally in Fayetteville, NC – 9/9/19. Screen grab via CBS 17.
If you’re black, Hispanic, gay, or a female and happen to support President Donald Trump, life can be tough in the presence of ‘woke’ liberals if you wear your politics on your sleeve. That goes doubly so if you are bold enough to wear a MAGA hat, which to unhinged TDS sufferers symbolizes hate, bigotry, racism, you name it.
For privileged white liberal actresses like Alyssa Milano, the “MAGA hat is the new white hood.” For Bette Midler, black Trump supporters at Trump rallies are a paid part of the “blackground.” Actress Debra Messing is in agreement with those who say “A black vote for Trump is mental illness.”
In other words, how dare black Americans think differently.
With that in mind, let’s turn to Trump’s rally in Fayetteville, NC on Monday evening, where the President campaigned in a show of support for Republican candidate Dan Bishop in the hotly contested Congressional District 9 special election, which is being held today. Bishop’s Democratic opponent is Dan McCready.
Trump supporter Bryson Gray was interviewed by CBS 17 prior to the start of the rally. Gray explained that he went out and bought the biggest MAGA hat he could find in defiance of his friends who he says told him he shouldn’t support Trump because he’s black:
“I have a lot of friends who tell me that I shouldn’t support Donald Trump because I’m black, which is sort of insane because … I can support whoever the hell I want to support. And then also they told me that I shouldn’t wear the MAGA hat, so I bought the biggest MAGA hat. So it makes it double the importance, so that’s why. ”
Watch the interview segment below:
The Trump War Room Twitter account tweeted out a clip of the video, which has gone viral:
"I have a lot of friends who tell me that … I shouldn't wear the #MAGA hat, so I bought the biggest MAGA hat," Bryson Gray says ahead of tonight’s rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina. pic.twitter.com/ojOG20BdHp
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP (@TrumpWarRoom) September 9, 2019
I should note that Messing has gotten involved as of late in the Bishop/McCready race in a show of support for McCready (apparently someone just told her there’s a special election in North Carolina, which has only been in the news for months).
Anyway, hats off (no pun intended) to Gray, who clearly walks to the beat of his own drum by way of refusing to march in lockstep with Democrats just because of his skin color.
Flashback –>> MAGA Hat Shame Game Is Not About Racism, It’s About Suppressing Dissent
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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