Beto O’Rourke’s presidential campaign has fallen so far in polling over the last couple of months that he’s now apparently taken to believing he actually won his 2018 Senate race against Ted Cruz.
During a stop in Cedar Rapids, IA over the weekend, O’Rourke told a journalist that he was not worried about recent polling numbers that put him at 2% in the crucial state of Iowa. Why? Because polls said he wasn’t going to win his race against Ted Cruz, either (bolded emphasis added):
“There is a lot of time before the Iowa caucuses. We’ve never been guided by a poll before, “ O’Rourke told Yahoo News at the opening of his Cedar Rapids field office. “If you were to look at the Texas Senate race, the first couple of months after we were in, no poll was going to say that we were going to win. When I first ran for Congress in 2012, against an incumbent and against some very long odds no poll at any point said that we were going to win. And yet yet we did. And if I am lucky enough to to be the nominee and then to become the president of the United States, no poll will guide the decisions that I make.”
Watch video of the exchange below:
Beto O'Rourke on IA poll that has him at 2%: "There is a lot of time before the IA Caucus. We've never been guided by a poll before. If you were to look at the Texas Senate race the first couple of months after we were in, no poll was going to say that we were going to win that." pic.twitter.com/g2FNG7kacS
— The Hill (@thehill) June 10, 2019
Except, ya know, O’Rourke sorta lost his Senate race against Cruz.
As Hot Air‘s Allapundit noted, it’s “as if Stacey Abrams’s delusion somehow became infectious and Beto caught it from her.”
Or maybe he got his words twisted and really meant to say that early polls didn’t give him a shot at even coming close to defeating Cruz. Let’s hope that’s all it is. Because we sure don’t need another delusional failed candidate like Stacey Abrams on our hands.
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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