I love writing about politics and current events. I’ve been doing it since 2003. But one of the things that will test a writer’s patience is when they have to cover someone who is absolutely exasperating.
The Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin fits that description to a “t.”
I don’t follow Rubin on Twitter, but I frequently see her tweets quote-retweeted into my timeline from people who are pointing out just how far she’s fallen.
For example: A little over a month ago, Rubin made an appearance on MSNBC in which she falsely claimed – per a piece she wrote at the time – that Democrats were “moving closer to the center.” She said this in spite of the fact that Democrats have wasted very little time going as far left on the abortion issue as they can possibly get.
A more recent example is in her effusive praise of failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D). When she’s not tweeting out favorable links about Abrams from non-WaPo sources, she’s penning pieces of her own, like the two she’s done this month:
– Things Stacey Abrams and Pete Buttigieg get that most other pols don’t
– Stacey Abrams gives a graduate school class on voter suppression
In the latter, she said something in particular that really rankled a lot of people more so normal.
Abrams is one of the most effective communicators in politics today because she has complete command of the facts. She is emphatic, often witty https://t.co/eSxbdImGMx
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) April 8, 2019
“Complete command of the facts”?
Twitter user neontaster was one of many who took issue with her comments:
She's like a vegan who reviews steakhouses for a living. https://t.co/gdKeYyo9ll
— neontaster (@neontaster) April 8, 2019
You're just a parody of yourself, at this point. https://t.co/iuWGva92Pf
— Social Distance Champion (@realchrishynes) April 8, 2019
In fairness, Ms. Abrams has surely stated more than a fact or two during her time in politics, but when she’s talking about the Georgia governor’s race, she’s pretty close to unhinged – and wrong.
As I wrote in a prior piece discussing Abrams’s claims made just last week at Al Sharpton’s annual National Action Network convention about how the race was “stolen”, she’s just flat out wrong. It’s just not true.
She’s been fact-checked by multiple people, but this one from Rich Lowry is worth referencing again:
They say Kemp’s confessed his true, untoward feelings about voting when he expressed “concern” about Abrams pushing absentee voting.
But the full quote from Kemp speaking at a GOP event is: “They have just an unprecedented number of [absentee ballot requests], which is something that continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote — which they absolutely can — and mail those ballots in, we gotta have heavy turnout to offset that.”
They allege that Kemp shut down polling places. It’s true, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, that 214 precincts have closed in Georgia since 2012. It’s just not the handiwork of Brian Kemp.
Counties make the decisions about whether or not to shutter polling places. It’s usually cash-strapped rural areas that consolidate precincts to eliminate underutilized polling places and locations that don’t comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
When a controversy exploded over a proposal to close seven of nine precincts in tiny majority-black Randolph County, Kemp came out publicly and opposed the plan. (As it happens, Randolph voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, but Trump won five of the seven precincts slated for closure.)
Make sure to read the whole thing. He pretty much debunked just about every Democrat talking point on the election being “stolen.”
While it’s true that Abrams may be able to command an audience because she’s passionate about the issues, forceful, and well-spoken, what she doesn’t have is a command of the facts.
Rubin is, once again, embracing deceitful Democrats to own the cons. Speaks volumes, doesn’t it?
RELATED: Stacey Abrams Claim Of Voter Fraud Gets Blown Apart — By Stacey Abrams
—Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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