What if I told you that you can register voters from the comfort of your home, even at 2 a.m.? I have registered voters in AZ, FL, NC, NV, & PA while sitting on the couch in Virginia. How in the world do I do this?
Visit Twitter and go to the search Twitter magnifying box. Then, type “I live in Pennsylvania Trump.” Click on “latest.” You will have access to every most recent tweet, where someone has referenced living in Pennsylvania and President Trump.
Now, not every tweet is going to be positive. Your goal is to identify which of these users are Republicans. Click on “following” and scroll down. It is usually easy to pinpoint conservative accounts. If you are having a difficult time, you may also view the person’s tweets and retweets.
Once you have identified that someone a) lives in Pennsylvania and b) shares similar values, reply to the initial tweet you found from the search box:
Are you registered to vote at your current address?
Pennsylvania has closed primaries, so you must be registered as a Republican if you want to vote in the Republican primary:

This method is not limited to Pennsylvania. The Twitter search box is like any other search engine: Data in equals data out. For example, “I moved to Florida;” “I live in Arizona DeSantis;” and “I live in Nevada.” You can even narrow the scope of your search by including a county or city. (As a side note, remember that AZ, FL, NC, NV, & PA all have voter registration by party, so voters can choose to register to vote as a Republican.)
In order to stay organized, I suggest tracking every user that you have interacted with by creating an Excel spreadsheet. This way, you will have an entire list of already identified conservative voters, who you can reach out to for future elections.
While so many engage in social media wars, which often do not produce a positive outcome, become a keyboard warrior with a cause and register new Republican voters from the comfort of your home.
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