A statue of Jesus Christ was decapitated and knocked off its pedestal at the Good Shepard Catholic Church in Miami on Wednesday morning.
Rev. Edivaldo da Silva believes it was a targeted attack and the Archdiocese of Miami expects it will be investigated as a hate crime.
Jesus statue found vandalized at a church in Kendall. The Archdiocese of Miami wants it investigated as a hate crime @WPLGLocal10 pic.twitter.com/8Xvf0Yhmvk
— Christian De La Rosa (@delarosaWPLG) July 16, 2020
From Washington Examiner:
“Obviously not, that’s for sure,” da Silva said when asked if the statue fell over on its own. “They had some powerful hands to remove it. Seeing what is happening in our country, I presume so, but we don’t have 100% assurance.”
“The Archdiocese of Miami expects the police to investigate this desecration of the Jesus Christ statue as a hate crime. This crime reflects the increasing attacks on the Catholic church across the country,” the archdiocese said in a statement.
This is only the latest act of vandalism against Christian symbols.
A statue of the Virgin Mary was beheaded at St. Stephen’s Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, over last weekend.
STATUE VANDALIZED: This statue of the Virgin Mary at St. Stephens Catholic Church in Chattanooga was knocked off its pedestal and beheaded over the weekend. Now investigators with @ChattanoogaPD are working to find out who is responsible. @WRCB pic.twitter.com/tFQSadCmZV
— Joi Dukes WRCB (@JoiDukesTV) July 15, 2020
In Boston, a statue of the Virgin Mary was set on fire outside St. Peter’s Church in Dorchester, lit plastic flowers in the statue’s hands on fire, charring the face of the statue, causing the statue’s face to become black. The statue had been erected to thank the Virgin Mary for the safe return of men from World War II.
They promised me it was only about Confederate Generals and Confederate flags | Virgin Mary statue set on fire at Boston church, officials say https://t.co/adQwaObEfL
— Mike (@Doranimated) July 12, 2020
A second statue of the Virgin Mary outride of Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary was vandalized in New York City when someone spray painted “idol” on it Friday night. Reports were that a masked woman did it and fled the scene. The rector, James Kuroly, called it an “act of hatred.”
Statues of Mary vandalized in weekend of Catholic church attackshttps://t.co/SYXwcpOx2c pic.twitter.com/E1BTiBMPVg
— Catholic Register (@CatholicRegistr) July 13, 2020
Radical leftists have been toppling statues of St. Junipero Serra across California in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. Serra was a priest who came from Spain and set up missions in California. He was made a saint in the Catholic Church for his work with the poor.
Last Saturday, a church founded by Serra in 1771, the San Gabriel Mission was heavily damaged by fire, with most of the roof and a lot of the inside being destroyed. It’s not clear what started the fire, but there given the animosity directed toward Serra, unfortunately one has to ask the question. Several leftists were also cheering the destruction of the church after the news broke, attacking Serra and saying things on Twitter like “let it burn.”
Fire rips through and destroys San Gabriel Mission one week after The Father Serra statue was removed from the property. An investigation is underway by ATF and arson investigators. fire touched everything in the building except for the altar.#FatherSerra #SanGabrielMission pic.twitter.com/ZUUYdNxHPF
— Tommy Harris Jr. Photog @KCBS @KCAL @CBSNEWSPATH (@pictureman415) July 11, 2020
A heartbreaking scene in San Gabriel after the 250 year old San Gabriel Mission caught fire early this morning. Although still standing it is completely gutted. @CBSLA pic.twitter.com/po0DQM3qUE
— Joy Benedict (@joybenedict) July 11, 2020
At about the same time, a fire was also set in a church in Ocala, Florida where a man crashed a minivan into a church, then got out and set the church on fire. The fire was put out and no one was hurt.
Please pray an act of reparation as Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, the FSSP's community in Ocala, Florida, was intentionally set on fire after a man drove a vehicle through the front doors of the church. The suspect has been apprehended by police. pic.twitter.com/H3KQgSU0QC
— Pius (@AdhucTecumSum) July 11, 2020
It’s not hard to see a lot of this as part of the whole effort to tear down history and other cultural symbols in the wake of the radical leftists sowing chaos ripping down statues, especially after people like Shaun King said that anything depicting Jesus as a “white European” and his “white European mother” should come down. We’ll have to see to wait as the facts develop in each case.
But safe to say, whole lot of evil happening right now.
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