You gotta give it to Democratic politicians like New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot.
They don’t actually solve any of the problems of their cities. But they sure are busy with the distractions and the attacks on President Donald Trump.
De Blasio tried to make political points by painting Black Lives Matter on the street in front of the Trump Tower in New York City. But he’s done precious little to actually safeguard black lives like that of 1 year old Davell Gardner, Jr or the lives of others as shootings have exploded across the city.
In Chicago, Lightfoot has a similar problem. Shootings in Chicago, always a big problem, have gotten worse.
Lightfoot’s response? Break out the ‘Census Cowboy!’
On Monday, she held a press conference and introduced him.
Lightfoot said she was a “fan of Batman” and that she was sounding the “distress signal” that was featured on the show to call out for help in having people fill out the census. She then donned a green cowboy hat and said she was calling in the “Census Cowboy” to help out, as a man on a horse rode into the frame. If he shows up in your neighborhood, she explained, that’s bad, because it means your neighborhood is letting the city down by having people not comply.
From Daily Wire:
The “Dreadhead Cowboy” is actually a Chicago fixture, per the news network. His real name is Adam Hollingsworth, and he breeds horses in nearby Will County, bringing them into the city to teach young people on the city’s impoverished south side about the practice. He also offers horseback riding lessons, and functions as something of a goodwill ambassador to the city government, appearing as part of marches and protests.
Most recently, Hollingsworth led one of Chicago’s Black Lives Matter marches that took place following the death of George Floyd while in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department.
She referenced the president during her presser, suggesting he would want a drop in population.
But her failure to react to shootings is causing a continual “drop in population.” 14 people no longer in the population just this weekend, and 391 since the beginning of the year to date so far.
Do you notice something about the Census Cowboy? Something that says everything about Chicago?
Looks like he’s wearing a bulletproof vest. Tells you everything you need to know.
If you didn’t think that wasn’t bizarre enough, there’s more.
Madame Mayor? Perhaps when you’re engaging someone to act on behalf of the city, they shouldn’t be saying “F*ck the police” and using the radical rioter expression “F*ck 12.” Just a thought, of course.
The "cowboy" that @LoriLightfoot paraded out to promote census efforts yesterday says "fuck the police" and "fuck 12" to this passerby. Good work, mayor. pic.twitter.com/89MT5ZB6qD
— CWBChicago (@CWBChicago) July 14, 2020
Not sure exactly when that’s from, it seems to have been originally posted in April on Twitter, from what we can tell.
Great job, there, Mayor.
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