You would think that in the face of a pandemic, that would not bode well for President Donald Trump.
The economy is in the tank, it’s not clear it can come back.
But the pandemic has revealed a lot of things.
Here’s the thing that a lot of Americans see.
They can see the only way it could come back is through Trump who made it one of the strongest economies ever, through making it favorable to business and the worker again. They know Joe Biden and the Democrats will never do that. How was this confirmed? Because Democrats and their handmaidens in the media showed they didn’t care how many people they hurt in the process of the shutdown, how many lost their jobs, their businesses they spent a life time building. They only saw it as an “opportunity” to push more socialistic tendencies and more pushing of their agenda items, even if that meant delaying helping Americans, as we saw with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in delaying virus relief programs and draconian Democratic governors.
Americans saw a troubling devolution of our Constitutional rights, not for a compelling state interest, but for arbitrary and capricious reasons. Going into a grocery store was cool, but a church not so much. People getting locked up for wanting to provide for their families or going to the gym, while at the same time governors were letting dangerous criminals out.
With November fast approaching what does it look like, given the state we are in?
Well, if the last few special elections are any indicator, it sounds like it’s not telling a good story for Democrats.
From Townhall:
Special congressional elections in California and Wisconsin this month both yielded Republican victors after Democrats launched strong campaigns in both races. In California, Republican Mike Garcia beat Democrat Christy Smith by almost 10 points after receiving 10,000 fewer votes in the primary election just two months earlier. Garcia replaced Democrat Katie Hill, who resigned at the end of 2019, flipping a California House seat from blue to red for the first time in more than 20 years.
But that wasn’t the biggest surprise, as we reported.
The bigger surprise was in Staunton, Virginia, in a place that’s been solidly Democratic for awhile, that went to Barack Obama in both elections and Hillary Clinton in 2016, that has majority Democrats on its city council.
From Townhall:
Following the 2019 ‘Blue Wave’ in Virginia legislature elections, however, residents of Staunton, which is supported in large part by private liberal arts college Mary Baldwin, came out in droves to support Republicans this week. Three Democratic council members lost to their Republican challengers in an unprecedented sweep by the GOP with a voter turn out that smashed previous election cycles.
More than 17,000 votes were cast in the in the election in which all four council members were vying to protect their seats. The last Staunton election for all four members was in 2016 in which fewer than 7,000 votes were cast. One Virginia political analyst, Chris Graham, of the Augusta Free Press described the results as “stunning almost beyond words.”
Noting the eye-popping voter turnout, Graham credited Democrats for getting more votes than they did in the last cycle. However, Republican voters left no chance for defeat, with a turnout “more akin to, not quite a presidential year, but approaching gubernatorial their rivals at polls,” according to Graham.
Part of this may be the popular antipathy to liberal policies on things like guns from Gov. Ralph Northam. Northam also has had one of the stricter lockdown orders over the virus, that is still in place in many areas and people are showing their displeasure.
“I’m rarely shocked by something that happens in politics, but I have to admit, I didn’t see this one happening,” Graham said in a post-election analysis.
“This turning point for the city shows that the citizens want a change in their government,” Austin Armentrout of the ACRC told Townhall. “Many people are getting involved in politics and making their voices heard around our country, and it is resulting in Republican victories. The Staunton City Council Election was one of many in the Commonwealth of Virginia that show a growing momentum for Republican candidates that will carry through into November when President Donald Trump and Congressman Ben Cline [R-VA 06] are re-elected.”
The Staunton shocker may be an indicator of where the country is at, and if that holds, it’s not going to go well for the Democrats.
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