We have to give Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) a little credit for going on Fox, so she knew she might get questions that weren’t softballs or that didn’t prop up her political agenda.
But that’s about all we can do because, after that, it just descended into a ridiculous defense of China.
Fox News’ Leland Vittert brought up how Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) are trying to pass a bill to help people be able to sue China over what they did in regard to the Wuhan coronavirus.
So he asked Porter what she thought about China’s responsibility for unleashing the virus on the world.
Democrat Rep. provides cover for communist China & WHO, says it's just a "global phenomenon"
"Why is it so hard to say we should hold [China] responsible?"
"Because we currently in the US have the largest number of cases in the world"
Great job spouting communist propaganda! pic.twitter.com/aZZUy3Nmgr
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) April 25, 2020
First, she tried to claim that it was a “global phenomenon” as though that wasn’t the fault of China for allowing people to travel all over the world despite knowing. She then claimed there was a lot of evidence that the cases
“that began to pop up and expand in the United States actually came from Europe.”
She’s referencing a NY Times piece (that also notes that all strains came from China) and yes, because Trump cut travel with China, the cases reaching here were then coming through Europe (before he cut travel with Europe as well). Doesn’t change the fact they all originated in China.
Vittert pressed her as to why she refused to ascribe blame to the Chinese government.
From Townhall:
“We can definitely agree that it began in China and we can definitely agree that we should have had more transparency with what was happening in China …,” the congresswoman admitted.
If so, then why is it so hard for Porter to say China should be held responsible?
“Allow me to finish,” Porter demanded, knowing the Chinese propaganda she was about to spew would surely be questioned. “Because we currently, in the United States, have the largest number of cases in the world, and we are going to, likely, given the trend that we are seeing, continue to have the largest number of cases in the world.”
“Could that possibly be because the Chinese didn’t tell the truth about the number of cases and the number of deaths that they have, and we are telling the truth?” the congresswoman was asked.
Exactly. Both China and Iran have not been truthful about their numbers of deaths by huge factors. Not to mention that per capita, our death rate is actually lower than many. Plus what does our death rate have to do with whether or not China lied and should be held responsible?
Finally, she really went over the edge when she suggested that we should be funding the World Health Organization (WHO) to investigate what had happened with China.
“We should absolutely be pushing for answers and doing that investigation and that’s why funding for the World Health Organization … The WHO is the entity that helps coordinate world health,” Porter argued. “hence its name: World Health Organization.”
Quixotically, she says we should rely on the WHO now, but says that the Trump administration should have been demanding answers in November and December when China and the WHO hadn’t even reported the virus (they reported it Dec. 31) and into January when the WHO was still claiming it wasn’t communicable between humans, repeating China’s lies.
She then tried to blame Trump for risk because of getting Americans back from China immediately after she’d claimed the cases were coming from Europe. She needs to get her story straight.
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