Politico’s Maggie Haberman poses at the More Magazine’s Noisemaker Luncheon hosted by More Magazine’s Editor in Chief, Lesley Jane Seymour at the Lamb’s Club on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, in New York. (Photo by Mark Von Holden/Invision for MORE/AP Images).
Americans are pretty much blown away by the ridiculous ineptitude of the Iowa Democratic Party and how they’ve blown up their own caucuses.
No fault of the Democrats willing to go out there and caucus, all on the party who is selling those folks down the river with this. Now, whatever results come out, there are going to be people who doubt them and not surprisingly so. Americans deserve better.
But the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman has figured out who is really at fault for this story blowing up. You remember Maggie, right? The one who the Podesta Wikileaks email described as the one who has “teed up” stories for Democrats in the past.
And of course, Maggie Haberman—then with Politico and now with the NYT—was singled out by HRC spokesman Nick Merrill as a "friendly journalist" who was "safe" and had "teed up stories" for the campaign in the past and "never disappointed" them. 8/https://t.co/V5UhDVMMGC
— James Hasson (@JamesHasson20) August 18, 2019
— paige sully (@PaigeSully88) February 4, 2020
Sounds like tee time again. According to Haberman, the fault for this becoming a huge fiasco is due to President Donald Trump throwing “accelerant” on it.
One thing to consider amid the caucuses snafu – the president has thrown accelerant on distrust of institutions, and this is another one. He has highlighted the Dem party ills around this caucus in tweets. It is in contrast to Obama silence on the Romney/Santo mess in 2012.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) February 4, 2020
Now that’s one hot take.
Somehow, Trump is responsible for caucuses which Democrats have complete and utter control over blowing up? It’s Trump who’s putting accelerant on “distrust of institutions” not Hillary Clinton who refused to accept the 2016 results and actually undermined her political opponent in an unprecedented way, and the Democrats or media like Haberman who promoted the Russia collusion hoax for three years?
That’s one neat trick. Sounds like Trump’s even more powerful than Grim Reaper Cocaine Mitch.
Everyone at the NY Times hellbent on blaming everyone but Democrats for this mess. They are broken.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 4, 2020
Meanwhile maybe Haberman should look at the facts linking former Clinton staffers to the app that reportedly went kerflooey?
Maybe, just maybe, people are legitimately teed off at the Democrats for completely screwing this up and it has nothing to do with Trump? Of course, that’s just a logical thought.
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