Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban got into it on Twitter on Tuesday morning over the NBA’s “social justice” messaging. Before it was over, Cuban told Cruz: “You are so full of sh*t.”
The political kerfuffle began after Cruz tweeted a link to an article about the disastrous ratings of the 2020 NBA Finals.
“Not surprising. Personally speaking, this is the first time in years that I haven’t watched a single game in the NBA Finals. #GoWokeGoBroke”
Not surprising. Personally speaking, this is the first time in years that I haven’t watched a single game in the NBA Finals. #GoWokeGoBroke https://t.co/ygIp60EKHi
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 6, 2020
Unsurprisingly, Cuban was not amused by that #GoWokeGoBroke, Cruz’s reference to the NBA’s low ratings and embarrassing pandering to all-things Black Lives Matter — which began shortly after George Floyd’s May death while in police custody in Minneapolis.
The Cubes being The Cubes, it was game on.
A US Senator with 3 @NBA teams in his state, employing thousands of people and he is rooting for their businesses to do poorly. This is who you are @tedcruz . Every minute of your life, this is exactly who you are. https://t.co/rnCV3qJTfQ
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) October 6, 2020
Cruz responded, reminding Cuban that he “loves” the Houston Rockets, and supports all three, Texas NBA teams against non-Texas teams, while also suggesting that being an NBA fan is not mutually-inclusive with supporting the league’s pandering to Black Lives Matter.
I love @HoustonRockets & have rooted for them my entire life. I happily cheer for the Spurs & Mavericks against any non-TX team.
But @mcuban the NBA is engaged in a concerted effort to (1) insult their fans & (2) turn every game into a left-wing political lecture. That’s dumb. https://t.co/uKSgvPhEcq
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 6, 2020
The fiery Cuban, one of the more outspoken owners in the NBA, went off on Cruz — bigly — apparently not buying into the “not mutually-inclusive” notion that being a fan does require acquiescence to BLM.
“You are so full of sh*t. You haven’t watched a game of the finals, how would you know what is being said or done? Since when is a desire to end racism an insult to anyone or political? And you don’t think using #GetWokeGoBroke is a partisan insult? Again, this is who you are.”
You are so full of shit. You haven’t watched a game of the finals, how would you know what is being said or done? Since when is a desire to end racism an insult to anyone or political? And you don’t think using #GetWokeGoBroke is a partisan insult? Again, this is who you are. https://t.co/uKfHGV7IGc
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) October 6, 2020
Then Cruz took the money shot — literally.
I wish @mcuban loved his fans as much as he loves Chinese money. https://t.co/Wm4qkRMStP
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 6, 2020
Final score: Cruz: 1, Cuban 0.
Yo, Cubes? Conservative activist and former candidate for Florida’s 3rd Congressional District, Chuck Callesto, might be onto something here.
BREAKING REPORT: NBA Finals Game 3 ‘LEAST WATCHED in Recorded Ratings History’…
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) October 6, 2020
In my recent article titled “Noted Law Enforcement, Expert LeBron James Walks Off Court in Game 3 Loss: ‘Not a Good Look’,” I included comments from Outkick sports columnist Jason Whitlock, along with a link to an Outkick column, “NBA Finals Ratings Sink to All-Time Lows.”
Killing the NBA’s popularity in the US will be LeBron’s legacy. Didn’t have to be this way. Sad. Can’t be the GOAT if you kill the game. #AirJordanForever https://t.co/vxK2m2e5D7
— Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) October 1, 2020
LeBron James has not been alone in destroying the NBA’s ratings.
But from James’s controversial comments in the aftermath of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to the league’s “social justice” messaging announcement in July — as I covered in a July article, “NBA, Players Union Approve 29 ‘Social Justice’ Messages for Jerseys: And the Winners Are…” — the National Basketball Association has done its damnedest to alienate millions of Americans turned off by its “woke” pandering to all things BLM.
For that reason alone, final score: Ted Cruz: 1, Mark Cuban: 0.
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