Send in the Clowns

CLEVELAND – The major party conventions are always kind of a boring, orchestrated charade that is basically an excuse for the major parties to get massive amounts of in-kind advertising from cable news. All the established pols jockey for spots with the up and comers. Very little occurs that is unexpected or newsworthy.


In 2012, the most memorable thing that occurred at either convention was the bizarre, epic, rambling debate between Clint Eastwood and an empty chair. In 2008, the Democrats had Obama’s speech in a massive, open air auditorium, and the Republicans countered with the stunning appearance and electrifying speech of Sarah Palin. None of these moments mattered in the end.

This week, however, promises to at least be different. Note, however, that “different” does not mean better. Not only will Trump not have the usual cadre of established voices and bright young stars backing him up, but his bid to fill those slots with major celebrities has failed, unless you are of the opinion that Scott Baio getting a prime time slot is evidence that Hollywood is somehow coming out in favor of Trump.

The “bump” candidates get from these conventions is typically ethereal and transitory, but it is one of the major opportunities to change the complexion of the whole race (although an argument can be made that the last time this happened was 1988, if even then). What’s more interesting is the question – what happens if the candidate gets no bump at all, or even a negative one? We may be about to find out. And RedState will be there in force to watch the whole thing unfold.



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