Do you remember all of the fuss that union bosses were making a couple of months ago about ObamaCare destroying the ‘health and well being’ of their members?
Well, as it turns out, Barack Obama may have covered his union buddies’ backs after all.
According to the Washington Post’s Wonkblog, “the Obama administration is signaling it intends to exempt some union plans from one of the law’s substantial taxes.”
Buried in rules issued last week is the disclosure that the administration will propose exempting “certain self-insured, self-administered plans” from the law’s temporary reinsurance fee in 2015 and 2016.
That’s a description that applies to many Taft-Hartley union plans acting as their own insurance company and claims processor, said Edward Fensholt, a senior vice president at Lockton Cos., a large insurance broker.
Well, isn’t that special?
Everyone seemed to believe what the White House said–that unions wouldn’t get special treatment. Now, it turns out that may not, in fact, be true either.
Shocking, isn’t it?
After fighting to pass a law that is causing (or going to cause) millions of Americans to lose their health care plans, first they got themselves waivers and, now, union bosses are negotiating to make union plans exempt.
Who do they think they are? Congress?
“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
Cross-posted on LaborUnionReport.com
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