Now that Barack Obama’s union appointees at National Labor Relations Board have been found to be unconstitutionally appointed by two Circuit Courts of Appeal, union bosses are apoplectic at the possibility that the NLRB will be effectively shut down in August when union attorney Mark Pearce’s term as Chairman of the NLRB expires.

As a result of the potential NLRB shut down, union bosses have launched a full court press to push the “need” for having a functioning NLRB, despite the fact they wanted the NLRB shut down only a few years ago.
Back in 2007, AFL-CIO organizing director Stewart Acuff wrote in the Daily Kos:
During the week of November 15, thousands of union members and their allies marched, rallied, handbilled, phoned in, did street theater, and otherwise raised hell at the offices of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in more than 20 cities across the the United States.
One thousand people rallied at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, DC on November 15 and marched to the National Labor headquarters of the NLRB where they rallied again and demanded that the Labor Board be closed for renovations until a new governing board could be appointed by a new President. [Emphasis added.]
Now that the shoe is on the other foot, union bosses are demanding that the NLRB stay open for business.
As part of their disingenuous campaign, union bosses have chosen a Teamster representative who was allegedly wrongfully fired from his job as the poster child for their NLRB campaign.
According to the AFL-CIO, the Teamsters and Huffington Post, Marcus Hedger was wrongfully fired from his job and the unconstitutionally-appointed appointees in Washington ruled that Hedger should be re-instated.
However, the company has appealed and now Hedger is out of a job and out of his home–all because of politics in Washington.
It’s “Un-American,” they claim.
Unfortunately, no one has bothered to ask: Where was Hedger’s union?
Why didn’t Hedger’s union–the Teamsters–give (or at least loan) Hedger the money to keep him in his home?
According to HuffPo (and, apparently, the unconstitutionally-appointed NLRB), Hedger was serving his members in his capacity as a union steward:
According to a federal judge, plant management illegally discriminated against Hedger in the firing because of his standing as a shop steward with the Teamsters union during a contract battle. The ruling entitled Hedger to backpay and reinstatement on the job.
If Hedger was, in fact, acting on behalf of his union, as HuffPo claims, why hasn’t the Teamsters stepped up for Hedger–as opposed to using him as a poster child?
With the Teamsters headquarters in Washington, DC raking in $175,189,309 in 2012, surely Hoffa & Co. had some money in their coffers to help Hedger keep his home.
Once upon a time, as opposed to using them poster children for political purposes, unions used to actually come to the aid of distressed members.
In days of old, “an injury to one is an injury to all” was a standard in unions. Back then, unions would help their members in times of hardship.
Nowadays, however, “help” may come–if it comes at all–only if it suits union bosses’ needs–and, if it does come, it often comes in the form of notoriety on YouTube.
As opposed to helping their own union representative keep his home, union bosses and their lapdogs on the Left are more inclined to make someone like Marcus Hedger into a poster child to push their political puppets into action.
How pathetic.
“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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