After spending millions on Barack Obama’s re-election, the SEIU is now ramping up its campaign to see immigration reform passed. The problem? Three hundred thousand seems like a paltry amount to spend on a campaign of such importance to unions.
It’s Wednesday, March 27th, and here are your Union Briefs…

The Service Employees International Union will begin to air $300,000 in ads nationwide on Wednesday to call for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
“Our immigration system is broken, and Congress has a chance to fix it the fair and accountable way, with back taxes paid, English learned and a real path to citizenship,” a voice says in the ad. “No half measures. Let’s fix it once and for all.”
- Immigration Reform: Are Obama & AFL-CIO Bosses Using ‘Poison Pills’ To Kill Latinos’ Dreams Again?
- The AFL-CIO wants foreign workers paid more than native-born ones. Why?
SEIU beats dissidents...
In the 9th Circuit ruling on Tuesday, Judge Richard Tallman referred to the case as “a classic union power struggle.”
Tallman, who was joined in the opinion by Judges Ronald Gould and Carlos Bea, held that the UHW officials breached their fiduciary duty under the federal Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, holding that the act created a duty to the entire union, not simply to its individual members.
The appeals court held that the defendants “opted for an extensive, extra-legal challenge with one mission: to discard the charred remains of a weakened UHW while simultaneously starting a new competing local union of their own.”
- Background:
- SEIU-UHW Accuses Former Dissident Leaders Of Laundering Money From Other Union, UNITE-HERE
- SEIU Spent $495 to $910 per vote to crush rival union
- SEIU’s Civil War
A day before contract negotiations between the University and the Service Employees International Union Local 73 are set to resume, service workers rallied in front of the Henry Administration Building to show the University that they are “still serious.”
Big union bosses: Rewarding our friends…
UAW President Bob King got behind Benny Napoleon’s mayoral campaign Tuesday, saying union leaders support the Wayne County Sheriff in part because he endorsed last year’s ballot initiative to preserve collective bargaining in the state constitution.
Union fatcat alert…

The San Francisco Bay Area is home to some of most wealthy retirees in America. Joining their ranks this month is Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi, who will retire with an annual pension of $423,644 a year. That works out to a little over $35,000 a month.

Wal-Mart Stores has filed suit in the 9th Judicial Circuit Court here alleging trespassing by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, OUR Walmart and other groups that have held demonstrations at its stores in Florida.
The complaint seeks a court order restraining the groups from trespassing on Wal-Mart property to picket, demonstrate, disrupt customers or confront managers.
Union Corruption…
About three years ago, leaders with the United Steelworkers International Union Local 458 had some concerns about finances.
They appointed a new treasurer and asked for the financial books from the old treasurer, Martin Mosher. When Mosher hesitated, suspicion grew, said Frank Bragg, a state representative for the United Steelworkers International Union.
While checking the discrepancies with the bank, Mosher turned over the financial records. Union leaders learned Mosher had improperly written checks to himself and his bank account, Bragg said.
“This was stealing his co-workers’ union dues,” Bragg said. “Something the USW frowns upon and doesn’t take lightly.”
How Unions Kill Companies (& Jobs): Lesson #146…

The firm also said it’s been told by some shippers they would accelerate shifts in volumes to FedEx starting next month if a tentative deal isn’t reached by March 31. Ed Wolfe, a long-time transport analyst and co-founder of the firm, surmised that diversion is already occurring. Wolfe noted that FedEx reported a 15-percent year-over-year increase in ground volumes in its fiscal third quarter that ended in February. That compares to year-over-year gains of 11 and 8 percent, respectively, in the prior two fiscal quarters, he said.
Chicago Traffic Alert:
When all else fails…
- Teamsters leader says efforts to overturn MI right-to-work laws are ‘swelling’
- Teamsters Take Demands For U.S. Workers’ Rights To Britain
- We Are Ohio Phases Out “No Rights At Work” Propaganda
Union campaign committee We Are Ohio replaced its “No Rights At Work” logo on Facebook, where the group has 110,000 fans, the day after Media Trackers published a video of We Are Ohio leaders unable to cite any rights “No Rights At Work” would take away. The previous slogan was traded in for a warning about “so-called right to work,” the latest in a series of shallow catchphrases against letting Ohioans choose whether to pay union dues.
These have been your Union Briefs for Wednesday, March 27th.
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Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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