With the immigration debate front and center, union bosses are on the march to get as broad an immigration measure as possible in any deal that politicians come up with–including, apparently, a pathway for any new immigrants to bring their families too.
Of course, eight million “new progressive voters” (and their dues) is incentive enough any union boss to be excited.
It’s Monday, March 25, 2013 and these are your Union Briefs:
The whole enchilada…?
Yet even as he slaps corporate America for evading its “fair share,” Trumka is negotiating with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over immigration reform—specifically, how to treat “guest workers.” Optimistic about a “reasonable path to citizenship” for all 11.5 million undocumented workers, Trumka wants to be sure that any new program won’t allow renewed exploitation of Latino immigrants. New guest workers must be treated fairly—and allowed to bring their families along. [Emphasis added.]
Today, thousands of people marched in a continued effort to urge legislators to pass commonsense immigration reform, with a roadmap to citizenship.
SEIU President, Mary Kay Henry, joined hundreds of farmworkers, religious and community leaders, local officials, and students in Bakersfield, California for the event, joined with Diana Tellefson Torres, Executive Director of the United Farm Workers Foundation.
Since the beginning of the year, AFSCME has been at the forefront of the fight to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes a full path to citizenship for all immigrants. We’ve been holding rallies to mobilize our supporters, lobbying our representatives in Congress, and working with our friends and allies to do the right thing by millions of immigrant workers.
But by early [Friday] evening, the negotiations had deteriorated over concerns about the labor and business disagreements surrounding the low-skilled worker program. The group took a short break, with plans to reconvene later that evening. Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona and a member of the group, said that the business-labor portion of the legislation was proving by far the thorniest.
Then there’s this…
Joining the EEOC’s Denver and Detroit Field Offices, the New Orleans Field Office has just announced that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Consulate of Mexico to assist Mexican workers in the US in the area of employment discrimination.
Purple state shenanigans…

Votes were tabulated yesterday for a Service Employees International Union, the same group that was behind the “home health care dues skim” that took more than $34 million from the elderly and disabled in Michigan.
Barring potential legal action, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan election will determine whether Marge Faville keeps her post as union president. However, some have raised questions about the election’s legitimacy.
- SEIU Local 105 Celebrates Colorado’s Annual Lobby Day!
- SEIU’s enthusiasm for Obamacare’s third anniversary not contagious
Taxpayers still in the dark…
Abdon Pallasch, a spokesman for Gov. Pat Quinn, said Thursday that copies of the contract are not being released because lawyers are still making revisions and it has yet to be signed.
But shouldn’t the taxpayers know what the governor is committing them to paying before it is signed?
After all, there is a basic democratic principle in play: An informed citizenry can hold its government in check.
Tulsa tangles with AFSCME…
The city has rejected what Tulsa’s municipal union called its final contract offer on behalf of the remaining 700 city workers who have not accepted pay agreements this fiscal year, but the union may have little sway in further negotiations.
Boeing, Boeing, Gone!
According to reports, the layoffs will chiefly impact machinists who refurbish and do modifications on jets that have rolled off the assembly line in need of rework. All 800 people being laid off are said to be mostly represented by the International Association of Machinists.
- Relatedly: Steelworkers reminisce as union hall closes…
Two Faced? AFL-CIO plays the Street…
The AFL-CIO Equity Index Fund has amassed $3 billion in assets since it was launched in March 2011. The investment tool is offered to Taft-Hartley pension funds, which are jointly managed by labor unions and companies, as well as union and public employee pension funds. With a minimum investment of $1 million, the fund’s 43 investors have chipped in an average of nearly $70 million.
In addition to replicating the S&P 500 index’s returns and low expenses, the fund has an additional objective: advocating CEO pay reform and other causes important to union workers and the middle class.
Sequester fester…
- National Institute of Health Letter to UAW: We’d like to increase salaries…
- AFSCME to Sponsor Forums on Federal Sequester
These have been your Union Briefs for Monday, March 25, 2013.
Comments & tips welcome.
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