Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board will soon be getting its day at the high court. Meanwhile, the CWA is giving Rand Paul accolades…sort of.
And, in other news: When workers work to free themselves, some times they win and sometimes they don’t.
It’s Wednesday, March 13, 2013, and here are your union briefs…
The National Labor Relations Board said on Tuesday it would seek Supreme Court review of an appeals court decision that raised questions about the authority of the president to make appointments without Senate approval.
Paul’s defiant stand wasn’t as cinematic or dramatic as Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. The spectacle was quickly dubbed “filiblizzard” by the snarky Twitterverse. And it’s easy to make fun of Paul’s reading material and dehydration. (Even Marco Rubio joked, “Keep some water nearby. Trust me.”)
But it was an important civics lesson. This is how filibusters should work.
The Missouri Compromise: Workers win in the Missouri…
After steadfast opposition from Democratic senators, the Missouri Senate gave first-round approval early Tuesday morning to a bill that would require public employee unions to seek annual consent in order to automatically deduct fees from members’ paychecks.
…and lose in Louisiana.
- Union member sues Laborers’ union for increasing organizing dues without members’ say…and loses. [Case in PDF]
The panel affirmed in part and reversed in part the district court’s summary judgment in a former union member’s action under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, challenging an organizing fee and a dues increase imposed on local union members by the local’s umbrella labor organizations even though the local’s members did not approve these fees by a secret ballot vote, as provided in LMRDA § 101(a)(3)(A).
Remember the other day when the SEIU inferred that the University of Illinois could not work without the SEIU? It looks like their opinion of their value may have been a little over inflated…
University Housing have called in Extra Help workers through Wednesday while members of the Service Employees International Union Local 73 are on strike.
University spokeswoman Robin Kaler said student workers, employees in other positions and volunteers from other units on campus are helping fill the void.
“Today has gone very smoothly, and we’re confident that Tuesday and Wednesday will as well,” Kaler said Monday.
At a March 5 meeting, the Oregon AFL-CIO Executive Board gave unanimous approval to a resolution in favor of “common sense immigration reform,” at the request of the national AFL-CIO. The state labor federation is made up of affiliated unions with a combined membership of 104,000, not counting the Working America community affiliate for workers who don’t have a union in their workplace.
Remember the days when trash was king…?
Members of Teamsters Local 705 who work at the Thorn Creek Basin Sanitary District, 700 West End Ave., are on strike as of Monday afternoon.
District officials have said the two sides are stuck on issues related to wages and health insurance premium contributions, but Neil Messino, the Teamsters’ contract administrator, said Monday the union has filed an unfair labor practices charge against Thorn Creek officials, saying they have refused to bargain in good faith with the union
According to a news release, the Teamsters held a meeting to plan a response to what the labor union says are Republic Services’, “efforts to impoverish their workers, ignore important health and safety protections, increase employees’ health care costs and halt retirement benefits.”
Until tomorrow.
“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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