Racism has again raised its ugly head in this presidential election and it has filtered all the way down to the classroom level where, in Philadelphia, a high school student was threatened with assault by her geometry teacher last Friday for wearing a Mitt Romney t-shirt.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, last Friday was dress-down day for students at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond. One female student decided that she would show her support for Republican presidential candidate a Mitt Romney by wearing a Romney t-shirt.
That’s when things turned ugly for her in the “Democratic school.”
The teacher allegedly told the girl to take off the shirt, saying it was like wearing a Ku Klux Klan sheet. The teacher allegedly threatened to use a marker to cross out Romney’s name and that of Rep. Paul Ryan, his running mate. The teacher also allegedly tried to throw the student out of class.
The teacher also allegedly said that Carroll was “a Democratic school.”[Emphasis added.]
Apparently, in the City of Brotherly Love, geometry teachers easily confuse this…

With this…

The Inquirer reports that an investigation is going on.
Philadelphia School District spokesman Fernando Gallard confirmed that last Friday at Carroll, “a teacher made some comments to a student wearing a Romney t-shirt in their classroom. The comments were of a political nature, and also of a personal nature. We are looking into the comments, and the conduct of the teacher.”
It appears (based on a review of the school’s website) that the offending teacher is likely to be a male [see update below]. However, given that Philadelphia teachers are represented by the American Federation of Teachers, it is doubtful that anything more than a hand-slap will be issued to the teacher.
UPDATE: According to the New York Daily News, the teacher is identified by the victim as a woman (name unknown) and, for any lawyers wishing to do some pro bono work for the victim in this case, her name can be found here as well.
Additonally, here is video (via the NY Daily News):
“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
Cross-posted on LaborUnionReport.com.
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