Hump Day 'Toon: Cosplaying Nazis and Other Leftist Plants

Were the half dozen “Nazis” who showed up at Turning Point USA’s event in Florida, actual Nazis, or neo-Nazi actors playing roles? I don’t know and the media covering the event at the scene couldn’t be bothered to find out. Whoopi Goldberg might be the dumbest person on TV. She slandered the event organizers by falsely claiming they were “let into the event.”


Has media bothered to ask questions of these bad actors with Nazi flags like, who they are? Can’t someone follow one of them to the hole they crawled out of? Last year The Lincoln Project admitted they sent actors to a Glen Youngkin event. The media was collectively aghast at Youngkin for endorsing the “Tiki Torch 5,” even as The Lincoln Project was admitting they did it. They were actors. At least the lawn gnomes at The Lincoln Project owned it.

Are the people who show up at events with Nazi flags just paid actors who pick up their kits and flags from a Leftist Cosplay Superstore?

I don’t know, prove me wrong. I have a cartoon that proves I’m right…right?


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