One more bit of Biden administration lawfare is finally over.
Back in November 2021, the FBI raided the home of investigative journalist James O'Keefe, who was then with Project Veritas, and two other PV journalists, as part of a federal investigation into the alleged theft of a diary Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, was storing at a rehab facility. Two people, Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander, had obtained the diary and shopped it to Project Veritas. Even though Project Veritas spoke to Ashley Biden and she verified the diary was hers, they weren't convinced of its authenticity (thinking it might be an elaborate catfishing effort) and held off on publishing anything from it. National File published excerpts from the diary, and shortly after that, the pre-dawn raids were carried out against O'Keefe and his associates.
READ MORE: Firsthand Account: I Was in the Room When Ashley Biden ID’d Her Diary, Invoked Secret Service Threat
In August 2022 Harris and Kurlander pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property, but a federal grand jury in the Southern District of New York was still looking into the matter. On Wednesday, U.S. Attorney Danielle Sassoon announced that the grand jury had been concluded and that "no additional criminal charges are forthcoming."
Tim Meads, brother of one of the targeted journalists, shared the news on X:
Today, the SDNY announced that its politicized lawfare against my brother Spencer Meads, Eric Cochran, and James O'Keefe is over.
In November of 2021 Biden’s Department of Justice targeted Spencer Meads, Eric Cochran, and James O’Keefe as a result of their investigation into Ashley Biden’s diary.
The FBI conducted a predawn raid and unlawfully took their devices and other First Amendment-protected items related to their journalism work.
Since then, they have been fighting in court. Spencer has led many of these legal battles through his own funding and volition. The Biden administration attempted to claim that they were not engaged in journalism when they were investigating Ashley Biden’s diary.
This now-dead case had wide-reaching impacts for news organizations, free speech, and attorney-client privileges nationwide. Citizen and investigative journalism as we know it would have been killed by the Biden DOJ if they continued that case.
These three journalists did nothing wrong. Spencer entered journalism because he was fed up with the lies coming out of legacy media, and wanted to make a difference and uncover the truth around us.
Now all will be able to continue to do that.
The decision letter:
According to journalist Liz Wheeler, devices and other property seized from O'Keefe, Meads, and Cochran will all be returned, but knowing that the contents have no doubt been completely analyzed and copied, that's small comfort.
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