
Christians Can No Longer Be Silent

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

At the risk of sounding too cliché, we are living in troubled times. As the upcoming presidential election comes closer, many are concerned about the future of the United States and American society.

Cultural battles are being waged over issues related to speech, gender identity, the right to keep and bear arms, and the size and scope of government.

What has been largely missing from these debates is the Christian perspective, an issue I and many others have raised. This isn’t to say there aren’t Christians who are speaking out, but if you’re a believer reading this, you might agree that there are not enough – and it is adversely impacting our society.

RedState’s Matt Funicello published a piece about Mark Fitzpatrick, the owner of Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho, who was kicked out of his church for hosting discussions on controversial issues in his bar and hosting events like “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month.”

Fitzpatrick and his family are Christian conservatives who hoped to use the venue as a space for open discussions on politics and Christianity. His church disapproved, arguing that these events are dangerous and divisive. The conflict eventually culminated in church leaders asking him to leave the church and publicly labeling Fitzpatrick as an “unrepentant sinner,” although they could not really articulate their justifications for doing this.

Nevertheless, Fitzpatrick has continued using his platform to host various individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives regardless of the opinions of the modern-day Pharisees who cast him out of their community.

Yet, there are not enough Fitzpatricks in America. I have written other pieces exploring why this is. After reading Funicello’s article, I was reminded of an interview I did in 2022 with Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, a church I used to attend when I was still a Californian.

We discussed a myriad of issues. But Hibbs, who has never shied away from discussing politics, had much to say about the hesitancy of Christians when it comes to engaging in politics. "People care about what strangers post about them, which to me...this is insane. Why would I care about what a stranger says about me, about my biblical view or whatever?" Hibbs said, explaining why he openly discusses political and cultural issues on his platform.

"The Bible tells us that the fear of man is a snare... there's a fear factor,” he added.

In his experience, Hibbs noted several reasons why church leaders and everyday Christians shy away from political and cultural debates. Sometimes, it is due to pressure from church leadership, as Fitzpatrick experienced in Idaho.

They've been held captive by maybe a board of directors that have told them, 'You will never speak out on LBGTQ or CRT,'" he said.

Hibbs had a word of wisdom for these pastors, saying they “need to actually decide today whom they’re going to serve.”

The pastor also mentioned concerns about how speaking out might affect personal relationships. “Maybe it's their nephew who now identifies as something. And so the pastor is hearing in his head the wrath of the wife or the aunt or uncle when he gets home,” he said.

In other cases, the refusal to chime in might be influenced by a misunderstanding of biblical responsibility. "We're not called to give people a motivational talk or feel-good messages... it's got to be transformational,” Hibbs insisted.

In the end, the problems we face are spiritual in nature, which is why Christians must be willing to make their voices heard and participate in the political process. As Pastor Hibbs said: “In the last days, people will depart from the truth, and they're going to give heed to doctrines of demons and deceiving spirits."

Is there any denying that this is what we are seeing in America today?

Many churches are embracing demonic ideologies coming from authoritarian forces who seek to control us and compel us to live the way they see fit. Liberty is under attack every single day in this country, and the loudest among us tend to be the ones seeking to subjugate us using the government as their weapon.

Now is not the time to be silent. Indeed, being paralyzed by fear is precisely what the enemy wants. All throughout the Bible, we see brave people standing up to affect the culture around them – and yes, in many cases, it involves politics.

What if Moses hadn’t told Pharaoh to let his people go? What would have happened if Nathan the Prophet had not rebuked King David for murdering Uriah the Hittite and bedding his wife, Bathsheba? What about Daniel and his companions Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, defying King Nebuchadnezzar’s decree that all should worship a false God?

Even further, what about Jesus’ rebukes against the “brood of vipers” known as the Pharisee leaders?

These people faced consequences much harsher than what folks like Fitzpatrick did. If they can speak up, then we have no excuse, do we?


Check out my interview with Pastor Jack below.


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