
The More Exclusive the Republican Party Gets, the More It Will Lose

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

The Republican National Convention, which began on Monday, is still in full swing. But the proceedings have been generating controversy from the very first night.

Of particular interest was influencer Amber Rose’s speech that she gave on Monday evening in which she recounted how she went from being a full-on “Orange Man Bad” leftist to an outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump.

Rose’s appearance elicited criticism from many on the right who took issue with giving a place of prominence to an individual who started the “Slutwalk” and espoused pro-abortion views. Rose’s OnlyFans career didn’t necessarily help matters, either.

Could Amber Rose's Speech Have Moved Undecided Voters? Van Jones Thinks So.

But she was not the only one who became the target of criticism from some on the right. RNC National Committeewoman and attorney Harmeet Dhillon, was also lambasted after giving a Sikh prayer for the benediction. 

Those criticizing the event took issue with the fact that not everyone who took the stage reflected Christian conservative values. They perceived this as a sign that the Republican Party is rejecting Christian conservatism.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh took to X to express his disapproval of Rose’s presence at the convention. “Not a single voter will be mobilized by this person,” he wrote.

On the other hand, conservative influencer Malcolm Flex posted a video defending the move. In the post, he said: “I get wanting the perfect messenger, but not everyone is the perfect conservative icon. You need imperfect messengers.”

Attorney and podcaster Jenna Ellis chimed in on the situation, claiming that the RNC’s guests indicate that Christians “are now in the minority in America” and accused the GOP of rejecting “pro-life, traditional marriage, biblical values, and pastors to instead affirm the LGBTQ Log Cabin Republicans and platform a Satanist self-described ‘slut,’ and a Sikh prayer.”

RedState’s Illustrious Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar responded, arguing that the GOP “isn’t and shouldn’t be owned by any particular religion” and “the thought that we shouldn't have a Sikh prayer (along with all other kinds of prayer) is un-American.”

And it wasn't the first time that Dhillon has given a Sikh prayer at the RNC, as Van Laar pointed out. She also did so in 2016, and there was also blowback then.

This is a debate that has been occurring on the right in various iterations over recent years, and it appears the matter could come to a head sooner rather than later as the influence of the religious right has waned considerably since the days of George W. Bush.

In the end, if the GOP wants to remain relevant, it will heed the advice of Malcolm Flex and Jennifer Van Laar. I am definitely sympathetic to some of those arguing that Rose should not have been given the primetime slot at the convention.

Sure, if it were me, I would not have someone like Amber Rose in such a prominent position, especially since she is relatively new to the conservative politics scene. But does she have a place in the conservative movement? Sure, if she actually advocates for less government and the protection of natural rights. However, her stated position on abortion, which it's unclear if she still holds, could be problematic.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the GOP is a political party, not a church group. As a political party, it should do its best to represent Americans from as wide a swath of backgrounds as possible instead of focusing only on Christians. One does not have to be a follower of Christ to believe in less government and the protection of rights.

If those who propose excluding those who do not fit neatly into the Christian mold get their way, the Republican Party will lose influence as it becomes irrelevant. The key to political victory is to appeal to as many different types of Americans as possible instead of gatekeeping and pushing away potential allies. Conservatives would do well to recognize this.


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