I’m not sure what happened to Ann Coulter. I used to sort of like her. But lately, it’s almost like she is bipolar and paranoid schizophrenic at the same time. Once a solid Trump supporter, she’s gone completely off the rails. A good example is her latest article in The Patriot Post yesterday. In it, she lists 6 Simple Ideas to Ensure a Trump Victory, with detailed explanations of each. I list them below along with my assessment of them, in response to her explanations in the article, which I might suggest you read first.
Read: Simple Ideas to Ensure a Trump Victory
1) Extend Daylight Saving Time.
This is actually a great idea and Coulter actually provides several reasons why. I’m just not sure it will move the needle in November. I give it half a point…mainly because I’d love extra daylight for bourbon fueled grilling.
2) Try To Go Seven Weeks Without Being a Fanboy to the Liberal Media.
She is obviously livid about the President’s interview with Bob Woodward. There are valid points on both sides of this particular issue. Many conservatives don’t want Trump putting himself in what they believe are needless opportunities for the left to damage him. I tend to (sometimes with difficulty) give Donald J. Trump the benefit of the doubt when it comes to “public diplomacy.” After all, he did well and truly flog the fat fundament of the criminal crone from Chappaqua, when the whole world was absolutely sure he wouldn’t survive the first primary. I award zero points for this emotional rant with little to no substance.
3) Round Up Antifa Criminals, Jail and Prosecute Them.
In this one, she’s obviously gaslighting us by writing: ”As badass as your “LAW & ORDER” tweets have been, they don’t seem to have done the job.” Point of fact Madam Coulter, the President, when Constitutionally/Legally able, has indeed put Federal law enforcement into hotspots such as Kenosha…and the effect has been stellar. Again, zero points awarded.
4) Open the Country, Close the Border.
Again, nothing really substantive to object to here, except that President Trump is already doing all of this…even while inhibited by the opposition party, the press, active lawfare by the left as a whole…and somewhat flaccid support from his own party. Zero points.
5) Denounce the Pedo Film That’s All the Rage With Our Elites.
This is actually a great idea and the President ought to take full advantage of it. Tying the Democrat party to pedophilia (not hard) while again exposing their hypocrisy is solid politics…not to mention, it is the right thing to do. Full point awarded here.
6) Fire Jared and Ivanka.
I award no points here. In fact, I assess one penalty point for the sheer mendacity and uncalled for vituperation Coulter delivers here. As I’ve stated previously, I am no big fan of nepotism.
Read: Opinion: Kushner A Much-Maligned Foreign Policy Success Story
You won by 80,000 votes across three states, mostly cast by non-college-educated Americans who’ve been betrayed by both parties for 40 years. They didn’t want tax cuts — they don’t have jobs. They wanted manufacturing back, safe neighborhoods, and (like your neighbors on Fifth Avenue and in Palm Beach) schools that aren’t overwhelmed with Somalis or Mexicans.
To convince your voters that, in a second term, you really will get around to the promises you made in 2016 — about immigration, bringing manufacturing home and ending pointless wars — you have to fire your amnesty-supporting, pro-criminal, Israel-obsessed son-in-law. We want to see moving trucks.
Sorry, Madam Coulter, the President has done all of that. His tax cuts have brought back manufacturing and brought the unemployment rate (pre-China Virus) for Blacks and Hispanics to the lowest rate ever recorded. He’s bringing troops home against not only Democrat, but also Republican opposition. He’s also put up a few hundred miles of new wall and done so in the face of unrelenting Democrat lawfare. So NO, Madam Coulter. The only moving trucks we wish to see are in January 2025, when they move President Trump’s belongings out in order to make way for a conservative Republican President’s stuff.
Final Talley? 1.5 out of 6 points. If I were in your position, I’d pray long and hard, then get an appointment with Donald Trump to abjectly and humbly beg his forgiveness. I would precede that with a public article doing the same. He’s a stand-up guy who doesn’t hold grudges against folks who come back home. Just ask Ted Cruz.
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