Following up on yesterday’s story about Republicans helping Presidential wannabe Sen. Elizabeth Warren with her casino bill Fauxcahontas inoculation campaign, it turns out that there is a Russian angle.
The Town of Mashpee, Mass. has hired Perkins Coie to serve as their lobbyists in favor of the Mashpee casino. Perkins Coie also represents Rush Street Gaming, which is actively opposing the Mashpee casino (Rush Street wants a different casino in Brockton, Mass.). Perkins Coie claims they are not working for Rush Street, but they show up on lobbying reports, according to the Cape Cod Times.
The Natural Resources Committee hearing comes as the town of Mashpee throws its support behind the tribe. Selectmen have authorized Town Manager Rodney Collins to hire a lobbyist to back the legislation. . . .
But the move to back the legislation signals a change of course for the town, which had retained the legal firm that has also represented – and appears to be lobbying for – Rush Street Gaming LLC, principal owner of Mass Gaming and Entertainment, which continues to push for a casino proposal in Brockton two years after regulators rejected the application.
According to the Illinois lobbying data, a Perkins Coie attorney, Judith A. Gold, is registered as a lobbyist for Rush Street Gaming LLC. Mashpee has used Perkins Coie since 2006, when the tribe was fighting for federal recognition, according to Collins. . . .
Gold, who is listed as a partner at the law firm, did not respond to a phone call requesting comment. A source close to the Brockton proposal said Gold is not involved in the project but acknowledged that Perkins Coie has done legal work for Rush Street Gaming.
Perkins Coie is the same firm that hired Fusion GPS on behalf of Hillary and the DNC:
Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias hired the company that compiled a dossier with allegations about Donald Trump’s Russia connections, the law firm confirmed on Tuesday.
Elias hired the company, Fusion GPS, to assist in the law firm’s representation of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, report the New York Times and the Washington Post, which was first with the story. The Clinton campaign and the DNC helped pay for the opposition research, the stories report.
In preparing for her presidential campaign Warren is already involved with the Democrats’ key provider of dirty tricks. Look at the mess the unverifiable Fusion GPS dossier has caused. Can’t wait to see what Fusion GPS can do for presidential candidate Fauxcahontas, I mean Warren.
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