A new Harvard Institute of Politics (IOP) poll of 18- to 29- year-olds finds a majority, 51%, who say they will “definitely be voting” in the November midterm elections prefer a Republican-run Congress. Only 47% favor a Democrat-controlled Congress.
That’s a significant shift from the 2010 midterm elections, when IOP found 55% preferred Democrat control and 43% prefer Republican control.
Among those most likely to vote, President Obama’s job approval rating is only 42, just above his lowest mark of 41%. Fifty-six percent disapprove.
And like the IOP’s April results, Obama’s approval is underwater on every issue polled:
- The Economy 36% – 60%
- ObamaCare 37% – 59%
- The Budget Deficit 31% – 65%
- Foreign 35% -60%
- Immigration 35% – 61%
- Race Relations 47% – 49%
Obama is losing support among young Hispanics. Only 49% of young Hispanics now approve of Obama’s performance and 46% disapprove. That’s the lowest rating among young Hispanics since the IOP began tracking the administration in 2009. It’s also a significant drop from the 60% found in April 2014 and a huge decline from the 81% found in November 2009.
And like the 27% in 2010, 26% of those under the age of 30 say that they will “definitely be voting” in the fall. Worse for Democrats, traditional Republican constituencies seem to be showing more enthusiasm than Democrat ones for participating in the upcoming midterm elections and are statistically more likely to say they will “definitely be voting.”
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