When Barack Obama proudly announced in 2008 that he would “fundamentally change the United States of America,” it was a warning shot across the bow of the U.S. military, its culture, and the men and women who bravely serve every day. Donald Trump’s election to office offered a reprieve, a reenergization, and renewed pride for our servicemembers. Sadly, for our troops and our national security, Joe Biden has assumed Obama’s mantle and is rapidly, and intentionally, eliminating our military readiness and capability. I witnessed the birth of this “dereliction of duty” in my years in the Clinton White House. It’s true, Democrats are at war with the traditional culture of our military which has been, in the past, deeply grounded not only in effective war-fighting doctrine, but in traditional virtues – such as courage, duty, honor, and patriotism – and Judeo-Christian principles.
Indeed, Biden is seeking to govern along the New Left lines established by his Democrat predecessor (who is likely calling the shots for the struggling 79-year old), by using tactics of community organizer Saul Alinsky. Biden/Obama’s culture war with the American military is being conducted on several fronts including notions of “diversity,” “vaccine requirements,” and “green power.” The victims? The 3.1 million servicemen and women and YOUR national defense. While radicals like AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar maybe happy, our men and women in cockpits, foxholes and nuclear submarines are not.
Let’s be clear: our nation’s military has a single core mission—win wars and defend our homeland. Our military has been developing and honing its proud culture for almost 250 years. I was privileged to serve our nation as an Air Force pilot of 20 years and saw combat and deployments into 69 countries. Anyone who has ever served can testify to the necessity of trust, loyalty, unity and cohesion. Elements absolutely critical to success on the battlefields or the seas.
Anything, absolutely anything, that undermines those requirements should be identified and removed, lest we lose our soldiers in combat and our nation’s wars. This is that clarion call. The push for “diversity” in a force that doesn’t require it destroys the trust necessary in military units. Today’s culture war on our military is taking its toll, and we’re destined to never winning a war again.
In my years in uniform, as a pilot and then commander, I never witnessed a single racial or gender incident. Turns out, nobody cares about your race, ethnicity, or sexual preference when bullets are flying. Yet, under the tutelage and control of the left, we have created the Department of Defense “Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).” DEI is simply a synonym for Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “inclusion” is lib-speak for equality of outcomes, and the US military is embracing it with open arms. Farewell, for now, to a military service dedicated to meritocracy.
At the United States Air Force Academy, where I’m a former commander, a professor boasted about teaching CRT, a required briefing to incoming West Point cadets included a section dedicated to “white privilege,” and an active duty Air Force Lieutenant Colonel was fired from command for penning a book that discussed the indoctrination in his unit and his service.
These are just a few of many examples of progressive radicalism invading our ranks. Here’s another: Recently, Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA03), chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittee, introduced the Military Vehicle Electrification Act (H.R. 7379).
This bill has absolutely nothing to do with readiness and everything to do with the Green New Deal. Does this enhance our military’s effectiveness? Only if you want to see Priuses driving around the desert looking for recharging stations.
The result of these progressive and radical changes to our core military mission are early exits for our most trained and skilled professionals (voting with their feet) and a recruiting void that spells disaster down the road. Pilots and special operators are moving to greener, more traditional, pastures. The Army and Navy are offering huge enlistment bonuses and still unable to meet the numbers of personnel required. Turns out Americans who are considering serving this nation don’t want to work for Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and AOC. Can you blame them?
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