While the first day of the 114th Congress was met with snow, it did not slow down pro-life members from making good on their promises to make pro-life legislation a priority in the new session. [mc_name name=”Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)” chamber=”house” mcid=”B001243″ ] and [mc_name name=”Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ)” chamber=”house” mcid=”F000448″ ] reintroduced the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which, Jill Stanek details, would ban abortions past 20 weeks. [mc_name name=”Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)” chamber=”senate” mcid=”G000359″ ] plans to reintroduce the Senate version soon. Blackburn and others also reintroduced Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act which would defund Planned Parenthood. Following those, on Wednesday, [mc_name name=”Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)” chamber=”senate” mcid=”V000127″ ] introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, Abortion Nondiscrimination Act, and Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act.
The beginning of the new year has also brought the first abortion clinic to stop performing abortions in 2015. According to Operation Rescue, Northpark Medical Group in Dallas, TX was forced to suspend their abortion services after the admitting hospital for their abortionists closed it’s doors. The abortionists, Lamar Robinson and Jasbir Ahluwalia, have yet to obtain admitting privileges at other area hospitals, most likely due to their history of documented medical violations. Ironically, the law that is protecting Texas women and babies from Robinson and Ahluwalia is currently being challenged in Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Meanwhile, the pro-aborts are attempting to make a dramatic production of abortion stories from women. No, seriously. Spawning from the “1 in 3 campaign” which claims 1 in 3 women will have an abortion, the newest attempt to normalize murdering your child will be a play, “Out of Silence,” that pro-aborts hope to show across the country. In an interview with Salon (because, of course) one of the pro-aborts behind the “Out of Silence” actually stated that “Some of it is very funny.”
Of course we know which kinds of stories the new abortion play will include and which stories they will conveniently leave out because it isn’t really about choice, it’s about indoctrination. If women really wanted the truth about abortion, they needn’t look much further than the latest post by Sarah Terzo at Live Action News. In this abortion story, it is a clinic worker that is revealing the callousness of the abortion industry. Noting that it isn’t uncommon for women to ask for their newly murdered infant to be baptized, the clinic worker explained:
… When it’s a big fetus, you will hear them asking a lot of questions: “is it a boy or is it a girl?”, “Will it be baptized?” We’ve had many requests for that too. We do it, it doesn’t mean a thing. But if it rests somebody’s peace of mind, you baptize a fetus. I mean for the psychological effect. It’s not recognized by the church, how can you murder a fetus and then baptize it? I feel if it makes the woman happy, why not? If it satisfies her psychological hangup, whatever it is.… Anything under 24 weeks goes for the incinerators. They ask you what you’re going to do with the fetus, you can’t say incinerate it. I tell them it goes to city burials.
Bet you won’t hear that story in “Out of Silence.”
To deal with the actual realities of abortion and the devastating effects it has on so many, Priests for Life and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign have announced a new project named, “Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion.” The goal of Shockwaves is to provide care and comfort to everyone affected by abortion, be they parents, grandparents, siblings, friends or abortion workers. Said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and Pastoral Director for Silent No More:
Each individual abortion procedure is an explosive event in the lives of the mother and father and those closely connected to that decision. The shockwaves not only deeply touch the mother and father but all those who are part of abortion decisions and procedures. They extend out into the lives that they will touch as their unresolved grief and loss impact their future relationships, their marriage and family lives. This can and does reach deeply into our society — our schools, our health care and legal systems, our economy and our communities.
Every month, Shockwaves will address a different group affected by abortion. The official launch of the program will be during the March For Life and January’s focus will be “Healing through the Church.”
Also planned during the March For Life is a National Protest and National Strike, which has the backing of several national pro-life organizations. Operation Rescue, one of the organizers, stated participants are encouraged “not to go to work or spend money on Thursday, January 22nd and Friday, January 23rd, 2015, but instead to join together for prayer, fasting and protest in their localities.” More information on this huge call to action can be found here.
Until next week, I pray blessings for you and for all committed to life in The Vine. Please feel free to email or tweet me with any stories you’d like to see covered. And don’t forget to check out The Vine’s list on Twitter to stay up-to-date on current news in the pro-life movement!
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