
Former Adult Star Nala Ray's Money Is Not a Christian Concern

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A debate has popped up on social media concerning former OnlyFans star turned Christian Nala Ray in regard to the millions of dollars she earned as an adult star. 

According to many, Ray should give away the money she earned doing porn in order to square herself with Christ. A video she released where she's clearly frustrated and annoyed at the constant demands of her to part with the money she earned popped up, wherein she argued giving up that money wasn't necessary in order to be a good Christian. 

This sparked many to accuse her of lying about her faith. 

If you're one of those people, you're really not going to like my take on this issue. 

Christ talked about money a lot in the Bible, but when He did, it was often a matter of making sure that people understood that it should never be an idol, and that your true treasure is in Heaven, not on Earth. 

There are verses where Jesus was seen telling people to abandon their money and follow him, however it needs to be understood that the most famous example of this, Matthew 19:16-22, was a point he was making to a young man that he cannot serve two masters, and you can keep the commandments but still prioritize money over God. 

However, Christ was not against having money. His ministry was funded by a few rich donors, and he sometimes broke bread with the rich. Having money was never the issue, the love of money always was. 

Paul backed this up in 1 Timothy 6:10, when he said "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

The "love of money" is the issue, not the money. 

Ray says that she doesn't have a lot of money left because she owed so much of it to taxes, but even if she didn't owe a ton in taxes, it doesn't matter. Her possession of her money means nothing if she doesn't actually love it. It's hers to use as she sees fit, and there's nothing to say she's not using it for better purposes, or simply just using it to live now that she's gotten rid of her main source of income. 

People demanding she give up her money to complete her walk with Christ seem to have forgotten that forgiveness, redemption, and saving one's soul is not something you can do. There's nothing you can do. The only person who can save you is Christ, and the only action you can take is giving up your heart to him, proclaiming him your savior, and believing in his sacrifice for you. 

You cannot earn your way into eternity monetarily, even if that monetary transaction is charity. You cannot work your way into Heaven. 

Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast" 

Some will quote James and say "faith without works is dead" but this simply means that if you're truly faithful, you will see works manifest from that faith. This is not a confirmation that you did something that secured you a spot in Heaven. Again, there's nothing you can do. It's all Christ.

Giving up her money wouldn't prove anything to the one person she has to prove her faith to, and that's Christ. 

It's important to remember that while it's good to not be misled by frauds, it's also not up to us to force people to prove their faith in Christ. That's His business, not yours. 

Their faith will be shown passively through their "works" which can come in a variety of ways. For Ray, it appears her profession of Christ in various public forums and her journey out of such a dark place as porn is a testimony that will likely have reaching effects in the lives of many, including those who are currently in the grips of the porn industry. 

Or maybe it'll be something else entirely. I don't know. God does.

Either way, Ray's money is not our concern. 


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