
This Isn't Going to Stop

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

I was coming home from a road trip with my wife and son when my wife told me X had lit up over news that Donald Trump had, once again, survived an assassination attempt, this time at a Florida golf course. The details hadn't fully come out yet, but even without looking at them, I could already piece together what likely had happened. 

Some nut job with too much media indoctrination tried to take up the mantle of "hero" in order to stop the oncoming threat that was a Trump presidency. I was right, but I don't say that as a brag. I say that with the utmost disappointment. I wasn't surprised because the shooter in Butler, Pennsylvania, had opened up a Pandora's Box that wasn't going to be closed. In fact, many people said this wouldn't be the last attempt because everyone was reading the same sociopolitical landscape that I was. 

The media has gone above and beyond in trying to make Trump seem like he was a very real threat to the nation. They've been fearmongering about him for years now. He's become the societal boogie man, hiding in your closet and under your bed. He's waiting in dark alleys for you. He's in the storm drains, beckoning you to come closer. 

Political violence has become their very real answer to many things, but you don't have to take my word for it. As Bob Hoge wrote on Monday, a video was released that showed Democrats and talking heads calling for violence and unrest. 

(WATCH: 2 1/2 Minutes Straight of Leftist Politicians and Media Calling for Violence and Unrest)

Their penchant for violence might have gotten worse during Trump's time in the political realm, but rest assured, this won't get better once he leaves it. 

Win or lose, this is the norm now. 

Even if Trump wins this election season, this kind of talk won't die down. In fact, we can tell by the way they encouraged violence in their first term that this will only get worse. Assassination attempts won't stop. They will continue to happen to Trump because the media won't be able to stop stoking the fire. This radicalization of their messaging is the norm now. 

Moreover, once Trump is out of the political spotlight, this rhetoric will not stop. If J.D. Vance is the Republican's next guy in line for the position of POTUS, then you can bet he'll be the next target of nonstop fearmongering. They'll go so far as to say he's even worse than Trump. The guy after Vance will be even worse! 

This is the left now. They've radicalized themselves to the point where now violence is a legitimate solution to them not getting their way. Moreover, as you've seen, there will never be an introspective moment for the leftist complex. They won't stop and realize that they're the bad guys all of a sudden. They won't apologize or walk this back. They truly believe that what they're saying is true, having repeated it to themselves so many times that they believe their own lies. 

(READ: Political Violence in History: Do the Attempts on Donald Trump Represent Some Return to a Norm?)

I'm not entirely sure how this ends. I do, however, know what the results will be. People dying unnecessarily, and I don't just mean presidential candidates. Everyone from local politicians to innocent bystanders are going to pay the price for the left's descent into using fear and loathing as its main political tool against its opponents. They can blame right wing rhetoric all day, in the end this is their bed, but we all have to sleep in it. 

And I don't know how this gets better. 


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