UPDATE: We would like to note that the task force that issued this new guidance on aspirin began working on the review back in January 2020. Furthermore, the new guidance only relates to those who were taking aspirin daily to prevent heart attack or stroke. No new guidance has been issued regarding aspirin’s other uses, including potentially treating COVID-19. Currently, the effects of aspirin on COVID-19 patients are still being assessed.
Earlier this month a study out of Israel found that the risk for COVID mortality rates lowers significantly, thanks to simple, plain old aspirin. Now, major media outlets are going on the offensive against aspirin in an attempt to dissuade people from using it for heart attack prevention.
According to an article released last Wednesday by the Jerusalem Post, Israeli researchers copied a test done at George Washington University, where they recorded over 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the country who took aspirin for reasons unrelated to COVID itself. This simple treatment resulted in a 44 percent reduction in needing the mechanical ventilator, reduced ICU admissions by 43 percent, and overall hospital mortality by 47 percent.
When the Israelis conducted the same test, they got very similar results and even found that aspirin- takers were less likely to get a COVID infection in the first place as discovered by Dr. Jonathan Chow of the research team:,
Israeli researchers reached similar results in a preliminary trial at the Barzilai Medical Center in March. In addition to its effect on blood clots, they found that aspirin carried immunological benefits and that the group taking it was 29% less likely to become infected with the virus in the first place.
“Aspirin is low cost, easily accessible and millions are already using it to treat their health conditions,” said Chow. “Finding this association is a huge win for those looking to reduce risk from some of the most devastating effects of COVID-19.”
This should be great news for everyone, as aspirin is not only incredibly common, it’s cheap, too. People of all strokes can get some, and it won’t just help with COVID; it has many other health benefits as well.
However, as my colleague, Andrew Malcolm reported on Wednesday, aspirin is now being touted as useless and possibly even a health hazard. This is after around a decade of doctors and government advising people to take aspirin daily to fight off heart disease, the world’s number-one killer. Malcolm reiterated that 30 million people take aspirin on a daily basis, including himself.

The media is helping this attack along.
The Hill released an article reporting that the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommended that adults between 40 and 59 seek doctor approval before taking aspirin for their heart health.
“The latest evidence is clear: starting a daily aspirin regimen in people who are 60 or older to prevent a first heart attack or stroke is not recommended,” said one task force member in a statement. “However, this Task Force recommendation is not for people already taking aspirin for a previous heart attack or stroke; they should continue to do so unless told otherwise by their clinician.”
“Daily aspirin use may help prevent heart attacks and strokes in some people, but it can also cause potentially serious harms, such as internal bleeding,” said another member.
The New York Times got in on the action as well, highlighting that this same panel recommended aspirin for preventing heart disease as early as 2016, but is suddenly now “retreating” from this position. The Times also makes it clear that these “guidelines” are not yet final.
CNN, ever the goon, reported much the same.
To be clear, this task force has apparently been working on this information since early 2020, but given the pattern of other medications coming under attack after they’ve shown to be effective against the COVID-19 virus, its recommendations appearing so quickly after the Israeli studies seem a little too coincidental. It’s interesting how aspirin is suddenly something of a villain, directly after it was named an anti-COVID hero. Even more interesting is the fact that people predicted this would happen.
Radio show host and author Steve Deace said he “joked” about aspirin getting the same treatment as Ivermectin after the Israeli study was released. A few days later, his joke became a reality. At the time, Grabien founder Tom Elliot attempted to share a link about how aspirin and Ivermectin cut the COVID mortality rate by two-thirds, and Twitter forbid him from posting the link.
While there’s no hard paper trail that’s surfaced as of yet, this sudden attack on aspirin follows a pattern of medications being attacked after they were discovered (or at least generated strong evidence) to be effective against COVID-19. All of the eggs have been placed in the vaccine basket by the authorities in charge and anything that seemingly threatens this is targeted and destroyed. It happened to Ivermectin, it happened to hydroxychloroquine, and now it’s happening to the humble aspirin.
There is no hope except for the vaccine. There is nothing but the vaccine. The vaccine is all.
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